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How I Manifested My Dream Life - So Excited to Join The Steemit Community & Share How I Did It With You – Conscious Parenting & Natural Birth, Community & Local Life

Hola Fabulous Steem Community

I'm Star (yes that's right....hippy parents!) and I am living my dream life in Spain right now and loving every minute. I tell you later how this all came about. IT'S TRUELY MAGICAL!


I'm a lover of life, culture, food, music and MANIFESTING!!

I'm also a mum of 2 beautiful children, a 6 yr old wild and free son an a 7 month old giggling daughter. My husband Sam @eftnow is co-creating this dream life with me. We live nestled in the mountains only 30 minutes from the coast of Southern Spain. Future posts will be about conscious parenting, natural childbirth and activities to do with your kids.


I'm a massage therapist and love helping people feel good so expect some videos on techniques you can use to sooth those aches and pains too!

Living in The Alpujarras in Andalucia, I get to sample some amazing food. We often head up to the white washed mountain villages for a hike and some local delicacies. We are also lucky to live by the sea and head down to beach chirungitos for some freshly caught seafood. So expect lots of fabulous photos of our experiences and maybe even a recipe or two!


We live in Orgiva, an eclectic market town combined with a mix of local, ex-pat and hippy always meet interesting people here wherever you go!


SO......about this manifesting story!! How did I come to create my dream life?? AND make it a reality?

Below, is a note that I scribbled down around three years ago. It was titled “What is success to you?”. After I wrote it, I didn't see it again until I found it in a packed box after moving to Spain in 2016.

star list.jpg

It reads:
"What success is to you: Lifestyle
Living in a beautiful and hot country, running a retreat which is popular, helping people with body and mind therapies. Affording the luxury of being able to travel around the world. Our children get the best education and are happy and have lots of friends and interests. Being able to support the local community in some way. Being able to support my family in having a beautiful place for them to come and visit whenever they need to. Having a loving and supportive marriage. "

At the time, we were living comfortably in Bristol. Life was good, if a little bit boring. We were stuck in a comfortable rut and felt like we were treading water.

I created a vision board with all the things I wanted for our family and myself. It included travel, community, adventure, life in nature, a beautiful friendship group and education for our son and more of a connection between myself and my partner of 20 years, Sam. I also cut out a photo of a baby and wrote next to it “baby at the right time”.

I also wrote the note above – the action of writing what I wanted down and cutting out the pictures and looking at the vision board every day set those manifesting wheels in motion.

Then our landlord told us we had to leave the property as he was moving back from the States. SHIT! What were we to do? Move to somewhere else in the city (this option just felt wrong!) or take a leap of faith and do something truly amazing for our family??

We had always talked about moving somewhere hot by the sea, somewhere with an awesome community of like minded people, so we decided to visit a place in Spain that we’d heard about from some friends. We booked our flights and off we went to Orgiva in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

WOW! What a beautiful place, surrounded in nature with inspiring education options for our son. It just felt right, we had come home.
So, this is where we are now (for about half the price of our damp old cottage in Bristol, including bills) our dream!

our house.jpg

We are running a beautiful retreat called Speak With Your Soul. We have had 2 successful retreats and have more bookings for later this year.

Our son is loving his alternative school and has so many friends – the children can run wild here, with wide open space and adventure freely available.

The community is amazing here. There are so many connections and most people naturally just support each other and are very sharing. This feels closer to the natural way of being.

Our relationship has also grown, as has our family, as our beautiful daughter was born in our new home 7 months ago! So, this was a very welcome addition to the list (and actually a big desire for us both over the last few years after having 2 miscarriages in the UK.) Remember, I put on my vision board, “baby at the right time”!!!!


SO!! If you want to give it a go, spend some time thinking about what you truly want in your life, for you, your family, community and world. Write it down or vision board it and see what happens if you just let your subconscious mind take charge. Manifest to create your dream is possible!

“ You're off to great places, today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”
Dr. Suess

I would love to hear more from people who want to change their lives or who have done so and want to share their dreams with me....

I am so excited to be part of this growing, supportive, wild and creative community.

Bye for now!

Star xxx

#introduceyourself #introduction #consciousparenting #naturalbirth #travel #community #createyourdreamlife #manifestation #livingthedream #familylife #blog