So, As I Was Trying To Say: I'm Sean Windingland, Anarcho-Spiritualist

I'm not the only person who jumps the shark and starts with experimenting! does it too!

Since I seem to be on steemit again apparently (because I was keeping the steemit tabs up and watching videos on the same browser, 'cause they are loading weird in the other ones...), let's try this again!:

Hi. I'm Sean Windingland.

I was introduced to this site by Ozer Tayiz.

I usually go by SomethingSea. It was first for anonymity, and then it was sort of like an identity/brand type of thing. It's a name I came up with years ago when playing Nightmight, an online text-based game which still is running today, but which, when I found Tormet, took a heavy backseat. I was using a variety of "Sea"s (because of liking the idea and image of the sea) in my various character names, and when I got on YouTube, I had to think of something, and so that's just what I did! XD
Thus was SomethingSea born.

I challenged the standard bullshit concepts on YouTube (it's been years so I don't remember at all what they were, but YouTube has been problematic in terms of rights from the start, so), and got that channel permanently suspended. I used SomethingSea1 until about a month ago, when I made a new channel for both name and monetization, the success of which I'm still not sure of, given the strikes on SomethingSea1 and the IP copyright claim from David Wilcock, who I'm still annoyed with for claiming that "spreading information is vital for success" (I have to find it again... it was near the time where he did an interview and was crying in the audio) and then when I made his audiobook available via YouTube, he (or his associates) used The State to put me down.

When I was first on YouTube it was for listening to long-ass debates about religion -- I was a Christian and wondering about the stuff. Eventually, I went to anti-theism, and then more mellow atheism. It was during this time that I saw a video by a user named, at that time (he went through multiple channel names) fringeelements - who was advocating anarchy. His video, "Anarchy Fails On Food", I argued against, and then realizing that I couldn't argue against what he was saying, and that he was being sarcastic about it, immediately (and then for 10+ years) defended and advocated anarchism.

It was at about and around this time -- 2011 about -- that I saw some interesting videos by David Wilcock - Event Horizon and 2012 Enigma - in tandem with having seen some interesting videos from Nova -- space, time, mult-verse, quantum mechanics, and fractals -- which provided the bridge for me considering what he was saying about the "DNA leap of 2012." Principally, the reality of non-locality, which logically invalidates atheism. (I'll get into that more in a bit.) I was an ardent believer, even despite, in his books, in his blog, and later his TV show on GaiamTV, his insistence on "Let's Not Forget", and other verbal quirks that he couldn't seem to not use. In 2012 and 2015, so it looks now, I spent time trying to verify his many notations, starting with the beginning, with Backster's work... to no avail.

I met someone and had twin girls with her around 2012, that being the principal reason that I was unable to continue research (and I sure goddamn tried, which was stupid). Later, these parallel topics coalesced into a singular idea, which I had seen from the beginning: that anarchism and the spirituality stuff refer to the exact same thing, seen from polar angles. That is, anarchism is about and leads to abundance, and the spirituality stuff was talking about a Golden Age. Equivalent. The fatal failing that David and others went into is The Galactic Federation - a Government organization - even if their dedication is to "The One True Being", which Stefan Molyneux, in his non-hypocritical days, poignantly showed to be deadly to humanity.

I am at this point what I call an anarcho-spiritualist. Like with anarcho-capitalism (wherein capitalism = free market, as opposed to corporatism), anarcho-spiritualism reduces to plain anarchism, because anarchy is where people lack the belief in slavery, the other side of which is the advocation of the consistent application of rules in society. This results in abundance, because the prodominant problem with society is the lack of the consistent application of rules in society; that's what makes The Most Dangerous Superstition occur; it is the systematic dehumanization, the systematic violation of rights, by which means government exists.

I was first in San Diego, California, until we moved because my dad got a job in Minnesota when I was about 7 or 8. I was in Minnesota until about a month ago, now age 26, just turned 27, for the reason of doing an eco-village. I was first living with Jen and we moved from place to place for a bit, trying to tame the chaos of life, and it didn't work out; I moved in with my parents with the stipulation of getting a job, which didn't pan out (when you haven't had a job for a long time, it's incredibly difficult to get one, which makes just SO much sense, doesn't it?). My options were to keep going the route of trying to get a job, which looked like a complete dead-end, make a Social Wiki website (somehow) - it was this vision of a website that combines the sociability of facebook with the deep linking of Wikipedia (and this site looks pretty much like it -- good job!), or try out hiking out and living in the wilderness. It was about this time that I happened to converse with Michael Phelps, and he was apparently hooked up with Brian Grove, both of whom were intending to do an eco-village at Brian's location.

It was a 14-day walk from Minnesota to Pennsylvania, a 5-day car drive, and a 14-hour plane flight. I prepared for "Backpacking it", and then Michael was like, "Hey, I've got a favor I need to do for someone, so I'll be coming by your way. Want to hop in my truck?" I sure did! We then had an arduous adventure with Karen, which showed Michael that I was able to smooth things out between people, and we arrived at the eco-village spot. And that's where I'm at now.

The relevance of this is that the continuous contention put to anarchists is that of "actually doing something" and things like that. Well, I'm most certainly "doing" something now! Except that it is not inherently political, which is what the common contention usually aims "action" toward.

Perhaps I'll leave this post like this, or perhaps I'll change it, or add more. But I'm done writing this for tonight.

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