My First Post in Hive Blog. I Started My Journey in Hive and Splinterlands . My first battle of Splinterlands

Hii Friends!!

I am Solar Splinter.

I am posting first time my blog on Hive. I have started playing splinterlands today.

Today I was searching for PLAY2EARN games then I found splinterlands then I saw videos about splinterlands and read blogs then I understood very well that this kind of game I was looking for.

I fought a battle for the first time in splinterlands sharing images and link of battle.



Battle Link -

I could not win this battle but this my first battle, so it is worth sharing.

I really liked the game splinterlands. I just have to select cards and start the match, everything else happens automatically, it is really nice. I will also tell about this game to my friends and ask them to join the game.

Today I saw many art contest and battle share posts, I got a lot of information about game and cards from these posts.

Thanks to all.


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