Introduce myself: A young student

Hellooo friends!!

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      My name is Stefany Mendez, I am 20 years old and I was born on August 26th. Therefore, my zodiac sign is Virgo. Currently I’m studying Fiscal Sciences specifically Customs and Foreign Trade, so I’m acquiring some knowledge to server my country but having in my mind that I want to contribute with good ideas to my and be a better version of myself. I study my career in the “Escuela de Administración y Hacienda Pública” in Caracas – Venezuela, and I think it's the best college and choice I could have made.

      What do I do? I could tell you so much about this! However, I prefer that you are witnesses of it, but I can comment you that I am learning about English language and I must confess that learning a different language is not too easy (it depends on the person, I know that), but I think all goal can be achieved if you really want it.

      On the other hand, I participate in an Association that offers me the opportunity to improve my personal, professional and social skills that can help me to have a full growth. This Association has been a second family for me, because it has given me the possibility of being in formation workshops that promote me to have a different, or better, vision than the one I had.

      My best labor, or one that I like so much, is to do volunteering jobs; I have participated in activities with children, teenagers, grandparents and it is really surprising that in each one of them I can learn something new. Although, beyond what they can give me, I do this volunteering jobs because I consider there is nothing else satisfactory that giving the best of oneself to those that you know that are in needed situations.

      Maybe you are wondering… What will I offer to you? It is a simple answer, I am here to share my varied knowledge, among them, I will tell you a little about the personal growth workshops I receive in the Association, which are about leadership, citizenship, self-management and other very nice topics to share, because if we want to change the world, we have to be creators of it.

      I like to read about psychology and self-help, and in this time when everything is going faster and we don't realize it, there are times when we leave our enjoyment aside, so I'd love to share with you a different scenario, maybe it's strange for some people, but I'll try to make it easy for you to understand and you can apply it in your daily life to enrich it!

Thank you for reading it!!

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