Karma of the performer. Life full o fire. (with pictures and video)

I was born and raised in Russia.

As a child I danced in amateur folk dance ensemble.

Then I grew up. And forget all about dancing. A boring office computer work consumed all the creative ideas.

It lasted so until my 33.

And then, India has happened in my life. I got to where dreams come true - in Goa.

Once there, night time on the Arambol beach, I picked up a fire burning ropes and danced with them as if i did this all the lifetime.

The fire has penetrated into my life once and forever.

Then I did not return to my homeland. I stayed as a dowshifter roaming the Goan beaches and entertain tourists with my fiery performances.

My visa expired soon, but I did not care. I threw my passport at sea. In those years (2008-2012) it was still possible to move easily across India with nothing but a photocopy of the passport, which I did draw every six months in photoshop with a new copy of a fresh visa. So i spent years from 2008 till 2013

In Goa, season time (October to April) there a huge amount of creative and spiritually-directed people from around the world coming.

And what a pleasure to share the energy of the performances and collect energy of the applause!

What was the reason of my desire in in 2013 to go to Nepal, I can not remember. All time from 2008 to 2013 in my memory stored just as one big continuous carnival. But as I had not a passport to cross the border between India and Nepal, I needed some kind of document. I traded one israeli passport on half a bottle of LSD. Israelite was quite similar to my appearance. However, on the border I was detained at the exit from the territory of India. It turned out after our deal that israelis complained the police about the theft of the passport. So I found myself in a small prison in the Indian mountain state of Uttrakhand with the case of "forgery passports."

There (in indian jail) I had to spend three months and a half, to be precise the 108 days. (108 - a sacred number for the hindus). Every two weeks my case was set aside for the next two weeks. Finally, I reach out to the Russian embassy, whose staff have issued my deportation as soon as was possible. But plane ticket I had to pay by myself.

But in my case deportation became an extradition.

During those years spent in India, I had nearly (totally?) forgotten that I had at home hanging a charge of possessing 11 grams of marijuana. And the responsibility for this violation only intensified over the passed years.

As a result, only my plane landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, I was immediately defined in prison on charges of possession of marijuana 11ti gram 6 years ago + due to the fact that these 6 years, I have been hiding myself from Russian justice. Typically for such should not be severe punishment, but because of these 6 years passed, I judge ordered me a year of imprisonment

I was not a jail-breaker. I was a model prisoner. I was released after 8 months ahead of schedule.

I was released in 2014 without a penny in my pocket. But I had to return to India. I did not saw my future in Moscow. I was scared of the city where I was born and have spent most part of my life.

I eagerly pounced on all of the available work - and I earned myself a flight to India.

And now I'm back in India, in Goa. I have a brand new passport and annual visa.

Soon a new tourist season in Goa begins.

I have to remember the old staging rooms, invent and rehearse new...

I will delight everybody who will come this season in Goa with my fiery performances.

God bless you, everybody!

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