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How To Introduce Yourself With Confidence

###it’s human nature to judge, both consciously and unconsciously. As much as we like to believe that we are in complete control of our thoughts, we all make snap assessments of others in a matter of seconds. People are categorized as friend or foe based on the instinctual impulses deep in our reptilian brains. Rational thought only comes into play later; the first impression is a gut reaction. Recognizing the immediacy of these judgments can help you create a good first impression and a lasting reputation.
Whether you are meeting someone in an interview or on line at your local coffee shop, it’s important to know how to introduce yourself to set the right tone for your conversation and control your first impression. Here are five ways to turn your introduction into a good impression and a meaningful connection:

Your elevator pitch or introduction of yourself should convey the depths of your experience, what you are looking for, and how someone can help. Obviously, tailoring it to the audience will make it that much more persuasive.
Set your intentions for the conversation that you expect to have so that you are prepared. Whether you are looking for a new job and introducing yourself in a cover letter or interview, gunning for a promotion, or just want a real estate scoop, know what you want to convey and set the tone.
Practice your pitch! Say it to your kids, your friends, your parents, and anyone who will listen so that you can be sure you are introducing yourself, and what you want, in an articulate way.
Repeat other people’s names in your discussions to demonstrate their value to you and to harness their attention. Everyone wants to feel important. Convince the person that you have a genuine interest in her and care about what she has to say.

We all know that body language is important. Making eye contact, having a firm handshake, a strong stance, and a smiling face all convey a sense of confidence and command to your audience. If you aren’t feeling particularly confident at any moment, you need to fake it so that others won’t pick up on your negativity. Confidence is contagious, which means that when you act confident you will start feeling more confident and then others will perceive you as confident AND competent. Visualize yourself having the exchange that you want and feel it happening.
Be aware of what signals you send with your stance, your tone of voice, your posture, your gestures and your facial expressions (eye contact is key!). Open your body and your mind by communicating nonthreatening enthusiasm. The more receptive you are, the more receptive the other person will be.

This is not the time to pretend that appearances don’t matter. Often judgments are made before the first word is uttered. People notice the way you dress, the way you carry yourself, and your overall presentation. As much as this is a subjective interpretation, you don’t want a negative perception of your style to overshadow the substance of your meeting.
You want to feel comfortable and, more importantly, feel good about your fashion and beauty sense while still considering the overall impression you give off to others. Get some physical exercise before a big meeting to look healthy and alert at first glance. In professional networking settings, be serious about how you look, act, and how others perceive you. Research the cultural and workplace norms regarding appropriate dress code, color scheme, and modesty, so that you can be respectful of others as well as yourself.

Much like confidence, positivity is contagious. Exuding authentic passion and excitement — whether in a job interview or letter of introduction — is more likely to yield a deeper relationship and establish a memorable reputation. While this may seem obvious, so many people forget to make an effort to be positive and trustworthy in professional interactions. Purposefully emit positive emotional energy and ask questions to elicit responses. Most people’s favorite subjects are themselves and self-revelations make people happier, so let them speak more.
Demonstrate your desire to be of service to others by asking specific questions, offering to make connections, send relevant articles, invite people to conferences, provide recommendations, and generally telling the person through your follow up actions that you are thinking of them.

In the connected world we live in, it’s important to remember that you are making a first impression before you even meet someone. Remember that others will look you up online as soon as you come on their radar so you need to be sure that your reputation online is what you want it to be. Be your own PR director! Control the message in all forms so that the first impression you give off is definitely a good one.
Establishing your professional identity can empower your next step. You want to build a persuasive and effective brand across all media outlets. Consider your values, talents, and career goals in creating resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and elevator pitches that work to bolster your expertise. Think about how you want to be perceived by others in your network who can then evangelize you to potential employers and other connections.

i hope this post can help you to introduce yorself Confidently.
#Happy Steemit with @shazzad2