The 3 Key Points of Who I Am


      Hello. I imagine you've entered here by curiosity, or maybe boredom... even though i cant entertain you the way id like to, i can assure you that while you've read this words you`ve gotten some how entertained.

    My mission on this "social network" is to share a little bit of everthying, my learning on cryptocurrencies ( that i basically dont know anything about), my day to day life, maybe some photoshop, that type of stuff. 

     As a politician I will not answer what headline says. It's a talent I have, even more being from Venezuela; land of extremely populist politians and politians scammers, that when you think they'll go straight to the point, they start telling stories about their childhood. 

   I made myself and my mission clear here. I said I'm a venezuelan. At the end I made justice to the headline and I'm sure that you didn't even noticed. Maybe this is the beginning of a new adventure or maybe not. It will depend on the alingment of the planets.     

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