My goal: Bringing Blockchain Technology to people and businesses - An introduction to myself.

Congratulation, you are one step closer of being part of the potentially greatest technological movement since the creation of the internet. The internet created freedom of information, blockchain is creating freedom of value.


My name is Sergej Stein and I am student at Germany’s leading business school and currently working for the Frankfurt School Blockchain Centre. Within the next weeks, I will be involved into various Blockchain Meetups and I have the honour of holding speeches to educate as much people as possible about blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. I am actively investing into a variety of cryptocurrencies, because I believe in their long-term growth on the one hand, but also in their huge potential of creating real advantages to people and businesses. Not only I do work in this area, but also I do tons of research every single day.

I would call myself a Blockchain & Crypotcurrency Enthusiast with strong educational background in business administration and finance, as well as basic knowledge in information technology and programming. My vision is to educate people and businesses and help them implementing blockchain technology to their current or future projects today! I also hope, that I can involve all of you, simply by selecting your thoughts, suggestions and topics that I can present in turn to the people that I will meet. That is why I appreciate you being active in the comment section.

My journey started a few years ago, when I heard the first time about Bitcoin. At that time, I was actively trading stocks, derivates and all kind of financial products. But for some reason, like most of you, I didn’t really pay attention of what actually was coming to us. I would say, I was not able to comprehend the power of this disruptive technology that was behind Bitcoin. Most people related Bitcoin to the dark web, the place where you can buy drugs and guns illegally. Most media reported only bad stuff about it and created fear when the price crashed again.

Things are changing, people like you inform themselves on the internet, to understand what exactly is going on and media realizes that. They start changing their mind and they see, that cryptocurrencies are unstoppable, no matter which cryptocurrency will be leading and survive. Most likely, all of them will have their use cases.

You did the right choice, to start inform yourself about cryptocurrency and become a member of this exciting movement.

I will try to help navigating you through the jungle of Blockchain & Cryptocurrency and I am very honoured to share with you people my knowledge here on steemit.

If you have any suggestion or topics that I should do more research on or you want simply to get more information on the Frankfurt School Blockchain Centre, feel free to contact me via

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