Hello Steemit, I am Robert Collins an aspiring SciFi writer and I was referred to Steemit by a close friend and fellow writer.

The friend that referred me asked me not to name him for personal reasons but I have been lurking for a few days now and I love this place. I thought it was time I did an introduction so here goes:

First let me say that Robert Collins is a pseudonym (pen name) that I chose to use for my literary works. If/when the day comes that my writing becomes famous or highly profitable I might consider revealing my true identity. I am still a little leery about this whole Internet thing and Digital Era. Not to mention that even the words "Social Media" and "Cryptocurrency" instill a sense of fear in me for some irrational reason, I am sure!

Now about me: I am a middle aged professional who is currently single (and not looking) cause all my exes are crazier than a loon on acid. I have worked almost every conceivable job and industry there is but technology, especially today, is an absolute mystery to me. I live in the Southern United States of America (yes I know we lost the war), I love the ocean, cooking, fishing (especially Deep-Sea Fishing) and obviously writing.

I have been writing off and on my entire life and hope to publish my first full Science Fiction book "My Alien Bride" in the next few months. Which strangely enough is how I met the friend that referred me here. I was on a writing forum looking for technical advise on technology for my book and my friend and I hit it off immediately. He/she was an incredible source of knowledge and information and to be honest I would have been lost before I even started without their advise and expertise. So thank you Anonymous Friend!

My friend also suggested I include pictures in my Introduction, even if I am concealing my true identity so here are some pictures I hope you Steemians enjoy!

(Sadly this has happened to me on at least one occasion!)

(Hey Steemit Whales, this one is for you!)

Okay enough with the corny pictures. On my friends advise I also "Powered Up" today with the last little bit I had left on my Credit Card....who knew you could buy digital currency with a credit card, but my genius friend showed me how and helped me move the money to Steemit and Power Up. I still don't really have a clue what that means, but I did it.....with about 4 hours of coaching mind you.

So enough about me for now, but make sure you check back often (IE - Follow Me) so you can see what kind of a mess I get into trying to learn this whole Social Media thing!

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