
Hi, ​steemit. I'm​ Sandr​a Aroche​.

How did I​ learn about steemit?
I learned about steemit a few days while at dinner with a friend. we were talking about what I​ was doing with my business and marketing and just throwing around ideas when I​ mentioned I​ was thinking/wanting to start a blog, that's​ when she told me about steemit.

Who am I?
Well, ​I'm​ a realtor in NC. I​ started in the real estate business about 3 months ago. I​ love animals​, traveling, eating, learning​ about new cultures, art, photography,​ yoga, music, fashion, and pretty much anything (i like to dabble​ in anything I​ find interesting). I​ was born and raised in the south but I'm​ also bilingual​ and speak Spanish​. I'm​ horrible​ at writing about myself but I'm pretty sure most of us struggle with it too. I​ like to think that I'​m a pretty positive​ high energy person, I love to laugh and everyone says I'm​ a smiley bubbly person and definitely have the "look" to be in real estate. I don't​ like taking life to seriously but I​​ can be serious and calm in high-stress​ situations (i guess I​ have yoga and my crazy family to thank for that). You can always catch me getting myself into something but I​ guess that what keeps life interesting​ right? Iv always wanted to start a blog but I​ suck at writing and I​ feel like I​​ would run out of things to write about. I​ guess I​ technically have a blog if you count tumblr but I don't​​ count it since its more of a teenage type thing and all​​ I ever​ do is reblog. I'll​ admit when I first started writing this post I was a little freaked out, but it all the insecurities and unknown feelings went away pretty quickly and I​ somewhat found my voice.

Feel free to ask questions or comment about​ anything really.

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