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Let us introduce to you ROOTS - magazine with legacy

The magazine is focused on growing and using the herbs including cannabis, on ecology, alternative lifestyle and news from society and culture. The focus groups of readers are represented by people of all ages. It is published by the nonprofitable organization every month, the format is A4 and it´s printed on glossy paper. Every issue contains at least 40 pages. Actual printing is 9.000 copies.


The magazine is distributed for FREE in the network of shops, tearooms, clubs, and coffee shops in all of Czech Republic. The network of distributors is getting bigger and at the time we are limited by the amount of printed copies. We send the magazine also to individuals for an advantaged postal charge, so ROOTS is available anywhere to anybody. In connection with the magazine, we plan a project of YouTube channel ROOTS, where we want to publish short reports and interviews which will serve as a part of the strategy.


Very important part of the magazine is the website ** of course, which is dynamic and we will build there also the section for subscribers. Our activities also focus on events, emailing and publishing of the content on social networks. By the connection between the traditional and modern platform of the magazine, we want to distribute the content to a wide public with the as low cost for the reader as possible.


How it started - words of the founder Jindřich Krása

I started my editorial work about 15 years ago by writing reviews for Czech game magazine named Score, where I worked with czech PC games legends Mikoláš Tuček and Jan Modrák. I understood that writing is what I want to do in the future. Unfortunately, I forgot it for few years and was working in various companies only for money. Eight years ago, I accepted the offer of Editor-in-Chief's position in the Czech version of the Dutch cannabis magazine Soft Secrets, and in February 2015 I started working on the idea of a new magazine. A huge driving force in trying to improve the world around us is my son Lukas. And why ROOTS? I love nature. Thanks to people it really suffers and I want to change it!

