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So... who am I? Gearhead? Rock'n'Roll afficionado? Photofreak?

Yesterday I found myself thinking about that question. Actually, I thought that I should introduce myself to fellow steemers, being here for almost a month now, I haven't found good time to do so. But anyway, coming back to the question, I think, all those answers are correct. But really, who I am?

Maybe it is wise to write a little bit about my background at first. My name is Rain, I am 35 years old and I live in Tartu, Estonia with my wife, dog and cat. My everyday work is related to IT - I work for small company that offers turnkey solutions for SMB customers. My responsibilities are mostly connected to server and different cloud and virtualization solutions managament. Anything from designing and implementing small server installations to Office 365 and Azure migrations. Considering my hobbies, I am with very broad interests - I like to build and customize stuff like cars, guitar amps, guitars, I love traveling and meeting new people, most of the time I keep my camera with me and try to catch moments. And sometimes, when I am really exhausted, I grab some of my guitars and play something fun to cheer me up a little bit :)

Why I am here? To be honest, I heard about Steem and Steemit pretty recently, when I was collecting ideas in internet about making some extra money with hobbies. Few months ago I bought new camera to replace my 12 years old previous one and after finding out how fine pics it could shoot now, I decided to invest a little bit more of my time to photography and just by accident I found some article saying that one of the hottest web environments to try to make money with photography today is Steepshot. So I gave it a shot and decided to try Steepshot out. Actually I think it is nice to share some moments and if you get paid, it is just more fun. I decided to invest all SBD-s that I will earn to my new photo project "Cars and Gals" - a photo series of nice vintage cars and pretty girls. So let's see how it would go :)

Talking about my new camera, I am really amazed - it is one of the finest piece of equipment that I have had in my hands. Amazing image quality, really good dynamic range and familiar weight and size that makes it sitting in the hand like a glove. I am really happy about the sensor - photos I have taken at ISO 1600 are better noise wise than photos taken at ISO 400 with my old camera. I haven't tried that new PixelShift function enough to say if it is as good as reviews say, but I took few lame landscape shots with it turned on and it seemed to give me a little bit better dynamic range and color separation at the expense of four times bigger RAW files. Which are really big actually even without PixelShift - about 43-45 megabytes. Maybe it is one of the cons for me at the moment - I haven't found any really good cloud solution to backup my pictures - I just uploaded this month material to my OneDrive and it took almost 100 gigabytes of storage. So if someone knows some good cloud storage solution that offers at least few terabytes room at fair price and offers user experience similar to OneDrive (DNG previews and album sharing for example), please let me know in comments. Another thing that disturbs me a little bit - at the moment there is only one Pentax standard zoom that is fully compatible with K1, but it is pretty expensive and actually Tamron made rebadged lens, as I understood. It isn't a big deal, as I am more prime lens guy anyway, but it could be nice to have a good quality sharp standard zoom lens to bring it with me if I have to go traveling and my luggage space is really limited. But overall, I am really satisfied :)

I wrote in the title of my post that I am a gearhead, as you probably already found out, I love gadgets and technical stuff. So here I could write few pages about my another big love:

So please welcome - this is my 1975 Chevrolet Camaro. I bought this car about 3 years ago and got it more or less as rolling chassis and few boxes of parts. Now I really hope that I could get it on the street finally, there are some minor things to get done before, but the sun is shining already at the end of the tunnel :)

If it wasn't enough proof to call me a gearhead then one little fact more - I own little boutique guitar amp brand called Gearhead Amplifiers ( These amplifiers are my own designs, I try to think a little bit out of the box and use maybe not too common ways to build the guitar amplifier and it pays the time and effort back, these are the best sounding small amps I have played yet:

So much about being a gearhead and photofreak. I have one big love more - music. I play little bit guitar myself, but I am not too good at it. It needs much more time to practice than I have to be really good, so I think that I am mediocre at best. But it could be satisfiying sometimes to just get a cup of coffe, take guitar and sit on the balcony and just forget everything for a moment. Even if I could mostly only play those typical threechorders. But even if I can't play much myself, I enjoy listening music and considering that I have very broad knowldge about it. I could tolerate all kind of music, but my heart and soul belong to three styles - rock, blues and country. That doesn't mean that I always listen to those genres, nope, there are many moments when I will find myself listening to good and smooth Jazz or even some pop music from radio. But yeah, if I really want to get satisfaction, I would put some of my best albums like Muddy Waters' "Folk Singer" or The Who "Who's Next" to my CD player, turn volume up, and just sit down and relax.

I found out that I have spent almost an hour trying to introduce myself (it is way too hard :D), so I think it is time to end writing and get something to eat. I really hope that you got some information about me and got the picture, who I am. I hope it wasn't too boring to read :)