A time we could wander. 3190m in Nepal.

In November 1993, trekking the renown Annapurna Circuit of Nepal. The earlier monsoon season clears dust from the air, leaving it crisp, and making August - October the favoured time for trekking season. But this was November, the busy tourist months had past. The trekkers had gone, the Himalaya tranquil. Already the harsh bleakness of the Himalayan winter was taking grip. In Upper Pisang, at 3190m/10466 ft as the sun dipped behind the Annapurna ridge, temperatures plummeted. Cold air cut into my lungs, flushed cheeks stinging, light diminished rapidly.

It was then i saw her. A young girl, descending toward Lower Pisang and the treeline to collect firewood, hands blackened from soot, thinly clothed despite the penetrating cold.

Camera Canon AE1, 35mm SLR. E6 Kodachrome 64
[//]:# (!pinmapple 28.616337 lat 84.153958 long The slopes of Upper Pisang d3scr)


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