Im Riki - Introducing myself to steemit friends - In English

I Riki - Introducing myself to steemit friends

Hii steemit friend ...

Let me introduce myself to my friends
After I heard and learned about steemit from my friends, I am very motivated to join this steemit program.


Now I want to introduce myself my name is Riki ricardo and I live in Aceh-indonesia precisely in Lhokseumawe and my propesi now is a sailor or fisherman looking for fish in the middle of sea and big choppy. But that's the fate and obligation I have to go through.


My age is still young enough that 25 years old is still unmarried, I am married to support my parents and provide for family needs, my first child of four brothers have an important role in the family to replace my father.


Join me here I really hope to get to know each other with friends and should be with friends can help me in studying the science of steemit more deeply, with the support and help my friends are very grateful. And I really hope that with the information from my friends can learn a lot of science later so with the information that I describe should be useful for me and for friends later.


Here I will focus post about my life and what information I find around me. Hope this will be useful to me and other steemit friends.

So many of my short introductions. Thank you for your attention


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