introduceyourself Perkenalan diri saya dalam steemit

Hay sahabat steemania di penjuru negeri.
Ini merupakan perkenalan saya dalam steemit.
Nama : saya azriel


Saya lahir di negara indonesia
Saya sebelas bersaudara saya anak ke tujuh dari sebelas bersaudar.
Ayah saya seorang buruh tani
Sedangkan ibu saya ibu rumah tangga.

Saya bekerja sebagai security salah satu kampus di indonesia








Saya baru bekerja setahun
Lemanyan saya bisa membatu orang tua saya.

Karena beban hidup di keluarga saya begitu berat.
Orang tua saya pun sudah mulai sakit-sakitan.

Saya baru bergabung dalam steemit
Dan saya baru tahap pembelajar dalam steemit belum begitu mahir dalam menulis dan mempostingkan di steemit.

Saya di pekerkenal oleh teman saya yang mempunyai akun steemit @lingguk tentang steemit,teman yang sudah lama berpisah kira-kira sudah hampir sepuluh tahun.

Dan sempat hilang komunikasi selama sepuluh tahun.
Begitu dia menjelaskan tentang steemit saya langsung tertari dan langsung mendaftarkan nya di bantu oleh teman saya @lingguk.
Banyak saya belajar steemit dari dia
Mulai mengenal aplikasi-aplikasi yang berhubungan tentang steemit
-busy dan banyak lain nya.
Bahkan kawan saya menceritakan tentang nama akun yang mempunyai jiwa sosial sepeeti
yang ingin membantu setiap orang kelaparan diseluruh dunia
Postigan nya selalu bersifat sosial
Dan dia memberi upvote untuk membantu saudara kita melalui steemit ini.

Ada juga akun serperti
@skoret @good-karma
@hn1 dan banyak lain nya yang telah berbagi dengan @lingguk.

@peaceandlove, @etcmike, @mod-tamichh, @leongkhan, @flauwy, @drmake, @crowdfundedwhale, @alao, @masterthematrix, @pnc, @adventuroussoul, @mrs.agsexplorer, @berkah, @bereginja-steem, @chente, @mattclarke, @dimarss, @techchat, @robertlyon, @greenstar, @anjylion, @coolmyll, @njphotog, @steembasicincome, @xr-hammergaming, @jesus.christ, @tubi, @realitycheck, @ronnyche, @igor-steem, @thinkagain, @steemit-earn, @abdullahmushtaq, @curator-whale, @aadeshere1, @davidhust, @brazer, @descard63, @canni, @lastiger, @ajai, @millennia, @missvee, @florencegail, @moznu, @salmansaleem, @antiguojugador, @hpmikjh, @tamala, @hassmonzta, @msarfraz, @nostone-unturned, @imadha, @areeb85, @kepelle, @mistermartes, @ironman12390, @azijulislamsojib, @sisterlo-fi, @dedane, @latricia41, @emmanuel-jegede, @reginablanco, , @yo-land @teamsteem@crimsonclad (Vancouver)@karensuestudios (California)@juliakponsford@vachemorte@phil


Hay is a steemania friend across the country.
This is my introduction to steemit.
Name: I am azriel
I was born in Indonesia
My eleven sisters are my seventh child of eleven brothers.
My father is a farm laborer
While my mother is a housewife.

I work as one of the security campus in Indonesia
I've been working for a year
Lemanyan I can petrify my parents.

Because the burden of living in my family is so heavy.
My parents were already getting sick.

I just joined in steemit
And I'm just a learner stages in steemit yet so adept at writing and posting in steemit.

I am in the pkerkenal by my friend who has a steemit account @lingguk about steemit, a friend who has been separated for about ten years.

And had lost communication for ten years.
As soon as he explained about my steemit immediately terari and directly register it in help by my friend @lingguk.
Much I learned steemit from him
Get to know related applications about steemit
-busy and many others his.
Even my friend told me about the account name that has a social soul sepeeti
who wants to help everyone starve around the world
His postulants are always social
And he gave upvote to help our brother through this steemit.

There are also accounts as well
@skoret @ good-karma
@ hn1 and many others who have shared with @lingguk.

@peaceandlove, @etcmike, @mod-tamichh, @leongkhan, @flauwy, @drmake, @crowdfundedwhale, @alao, @masterthematrix, @pnc, @adventuroussoul, @ mrs.agsexplorer, @berkah, @ bereginja-steem, @chente , @mattclarke, @dimarss, @techchat, @robertlyon, @greenstar, @anjylion, @coolmyll, @njphotog, @steembasicincome, @ xr-hammergaming, @jesus.christ, @tubi, @realitycheck, @ronnyche, @igor- steem, @thinkagain, @steemit-earn, @abdullahmushtaq, @curator-whale, @aadeshere1, @davidhust, @brazer, @descard63 @canni @lastiger @galissia @missvee @florencegail @moznu , @salmansaleem, @antiguojugador, @hpmikjh, @tamala, @hassmonzta, @msarfraz, @nostone-unturned, @imadha, @ areeb85, @kepelle, @mistermartes, @ ironman12390, @azijulislamsojib, @ sisterlo-fi, @dedane, @latricia41, @emmanuel-jegede, @reginablanco,, @ yHay is a steemania friend across the country.
This is my introduction to steemit.
Name: I am azriel
I was born in Indonesia
My eleven sisters are my seventh child of eleven brothers.
My father is a farm laborer
While my mother is a housewife.

I work as one of the security campus in Indonesia
I've been working for a year
Lemanyan I can petrify my parents.

Because the burden of living in my family is so heavy.
My parents were already getting sick.

I just joined in steemit
And I'm just a learner stages in steemit yet so adept at writing and posting in steemit.

I am in the pkerkenal by my friend who has a steemit account @lingguk about steemit, a friend who has been separated for about ten years.

And had lost communication for ten years.
As soon as he explained about my steemit immediately terari and directly register it in help by my friend @lingguk.
Much I learned steemit from him
Get to know related applications about steemit
-busy and many others his.
Even my friend told me about the account name that has a social soul sepeeti
who wants to help everyone starve around the world
His postulants are always social
And he gave upvote to help our brother through this steemit.

There are also accounts as well
@skoret @good-karma
@ hn1 and many others who have shared with @lingguk.

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