Finally get around to Introducing Myself!


Hello fellow Steemians!

Welcome to my Steemit page, SeekingLogos.Word

It may be evident from the fact I started this page almost a year ago, that I may be sporadic with my contributions. As a father of two young boys, I don’t get as much time to create as I used to. That being said, what I do post I hope you will all find worth your time.

The name of the page is SeekingLogos.Word, and that’s also the intention. We are seeking the Truth. The inner Truth to all that we look into. In my hippie days I would have likely referred to this as the Tao. If you prefer to use the Way, the Word, the Light, Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness or the Divine Knowledge of the All, no specific terms are rejected here.

Also in the name is the Seeker. We won’t pretend to get to the absolute Truth here. Words can only lead so far in search of the Word.

How does one seek? Here we do it by analyzing the individual pieces of the puzzle, dissecting and rearranging where needed. I hope to present my point of view in conjunction with that of others through concise opinion pieces and interviews. Along the way my plan is to offer reviews of some of the best books, documentaries, podcasts, and various reports I’ve come across. The ones that have helped shape my reality, and ever expanding view of it.

Topics we may cover will run the gambit. Any true Seeker is bound to look in many directions at once. At the crux of our search we will need to dive into the past, both far and near. The falsification and multiplication of events making up our Scaligerian chronology, does little to help us understand Truth. He who controls the past truly controls the future, and present, until the time we can arm ourselves with the knowledge and wisdom necessary to take one’s ownership. How they’ve kept the truth from us through a mixture of coercion, violence, and mind control, is most certainly of importance to us here. We can see their symbolism present everywhere we look in our day to day lives. This is something I plan on documenting as it turns up in my life.

On the opposite polarity we will cover the many good things that are happening, breaking us free from our prison. Homeschooling, herbalism, community building, overcoming addiction, gardening, cannabis, alt platforms, and self defense are just a spattering of what may be in the future as we dig deeper.

Cryptozoology, extradimentional beings and reality, and various kinds of magic are likely to make the rounds as well.

It’s quality over quantity here. Stick with me, as posting will be merely occasional at first. I would much prefer to take the time to get to know something, rather than spreading misleading information about said thing online.

Call me a Conspiracy Truthist. An open minded individual with a semi-decent grasp on a couple of concepts. Let’s dig to find the pattern of artifacts underneath the dirt. There is a Divine Synchronicity, and no coincidence is merely coincidental. As a wise man once said (with an Irish accent);
“There’s three sides to any given situation; there’s the one side, there’s the other side, and then there’s the Truth.”
The latter is where we’re headed. If’n you like, come along on the ride. We may even do some fun stuff along the way!



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