Meet Vikash Singh: Your Guide to Web and Mobile Development in Chandigarh

Are you passionate about web and mobile development? Do you crave insightful content and tips from someone with over 5 years of experience in the field? Look no further! Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Vikash Singh, a MERN stack developer hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. I'm GOING to state a new journey, joining the vibrant blogging community, here I'll be sharing my knowledge, experiences, and insights into the world of web and mobile development.


A little about myself (Vikash Singh)

Before diving into the fascinating world of web and mobile development, let's get to know me the man behind the code. I'm Vikash Singh, a dedicated developer and digital marketer with a strong foundation in the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) stack. Over the past five years, I gained my skills and expertise in crafting cutting-edge web and mobile applications. My journey began with a deep passion for technology and a relentless drive to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving tech landscape.

My Journey into Web and Mobile Development

My journey into web and mobile development was anything but ordinary. It all started with a fascination for the endless possibilities that technology offered. The early days were filled with late-night coding, debugging, and countless cups of coffee.

With each project I undertook, I gained invaluable experience. From building responsive websites to various devices to creating intuitive and user-friendly mobile apps.

My journey has been a mix of challenges, lot's of fun and continuous learning—a journey I'm excited to share with you through my this blogs.

Chandigarh where I live in India: My Beautiful Hometown

let me tell you about the city that has been my home for as long as I can remember - Chandigarh.

Chandigarh, often referred to as "The City Beautiful," it's an experience. Nestled in north part of India, Chandigarh is the capital of two neighboring states, Punjab and Haryana.




Designed by Le Corbusier, the city is a perfect blend of modernity and greenery. Here are a few must-visit places in Chandigarh:

  1. Rock Garden: Created entirely out of industrial and urban waste by artist Nek Chand, the Rock Garden is a testament to human creativity. It has beautiful sculptures, waterfalls, and walkways that will leave you in awe.


  2. Rose Garden: As the largest rose garden in Asia, this place is a paradise for flower enthusiasts. With over 1,600 varieties of roses, it's a sight to behold, especially during the annual Rose Festival.

rose garden

  1. Sukhna Lake: A serene artificial lake at the foothills of the Shivalik Range, Sukhna Lake is the perfect spot for a peaceful evening stroll or a boat ride. The picturesque backdrop of the mountains adds to its charm.

    Sukhna Lake
  2. Chandigarh Capitol Complex: Designed by Le Corbusier, this architectural marvel houses the Punjab and Haryana High Court, Secretariat, and the Legislative Assembly. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an architectural enthusiast's dream.

    Chandigarh Capital O
  3. Elante Mall: For those who enjoy shopping, Elante Mall is the go-to place in Chandigarh. It's one of the largest malls in India, offering a wide range of retail outlets, dining options, and entertainment.

    Elante Mall
    Now that you have a glimpse of Chandigarh's beauty let's circle back to my journey in web and mobile development.

My Expertise and Interests

My expertise in web and mobile development extends to a wide array of technologies and programming languages. Here are some of the key areas I specialize in:

  1. Front-End Development: With proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I can create stunning and responsive user interfaces.

  2. React and Redux: I am well-versed in React and Redux, allowing me to build dynamic and interactive web applications.

  3. Node.js and Express.js: My back-end skills include Node.js and Express.js, enabling me to create robust server-side applications.

  4. MongoDB: As a NoSQL database expert, I can design efficient data storage solutions.

  5. Mobile App Development: I'm passionate about mobile app development, using technologies like React Native to create cross-platform apps that work seamlessly on both iOS and Android.

  6. Digital Marketing: Alongside my development skills, I have a deep understanding of digital marketing strategies, which I believe is essential for modern businesses and startups.

What to Expect from My Blogs on Hive

In my upcoming blogs on Hive, I'll be sharing a wealth of knowledge and insights related to web and mobile development. Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to stay updated with the latest trends or someone just starting on this exciting journey, my content will cater to all levels of expertise.

Expect to find:

  • Tutorials: Step-by-step guides to help you master various web and mobile development technologies.
  • Best Practices: Tips and best practices that I've gathered over the years to streamline your development process.
  • Case Studies: Real-world examples of projects I've worked on, illustrating how to overcome challenges and achieve success.
  • Industry Updates: Stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and technologies shaping the web and mobile development landscape.


As I step into the vibrant world of Hive, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey through the realms of web and mobile development. Together, we'll explore the ever-evolving tech landscape, learn from each other, and strive for excellence in our craft.

Chandigarh's "City Beautiful" has been my source of inspiration, and I hope that my blogs will inspire you to embark on your own creative and innovative ventures. Whether you're a coding enthusiast, a fellow developer, or simply curious about the world of web and mobile development, there's something here for everyone.

Stay tuned for my upcoming posts on Hive, where we'll dive deep into the fascinating world of coding, development, and digital marketing. Feel free to reach out, share your thoughts, and engage in the discussions. Together, we can shape the future of web and mobile development.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

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