Heartwarming Greetings Everyone! I'm Chachi and just got started


What's up Guys? I'm Chachi and I'm new in Steemit

I first heard this platform from my classmates and since then I got so intrigued with it. Now finally, I will be able to have my own account and I hope I get to meet new people here and discover more. All suggestions and tips are welcome since I'm a newbie it would be awesome to have some senpai here.


To continue my introduction here are fun facts about me:

  1. I'm still scared at night alone.
    I bet at my age right now, this isn't that common. I'm in my 20's but still I shout and ran fast as I turn off the lights as if I'm being chased. But I can't sleep with lights on but a little would do-dim light. All I know this started when my parents used to scare me as bait for me to follow them. Yeah, I think most have done this but crazy cause I'm still scared.

  2. I'm a movie buff
    Since it's our sembreak, I did nothing but watch movies all day long. It's what I usually do everytime I'm vacant so for all the movie buff out there we could share and talk 'bout our fave shows.

  3. I'm bookworm
    The truth is.. I haven't had a single book last year but now I want to try new habits since books are the best to learn and discover more that's why I prefer it. (A bit of background I don't really read before 'cause my head hurts and I'm just lazy before) Well, everything is constant except change.

  4. I am a jogger
    We have our schedule after school and we'll go to the sports complex for a run. As slowly hitting our goal, it became our habit and at some point I'm also dealing with my diets since I don't wanna eat more as I jog more. Foods are becoming more delicious and tastier and that's temptation!

  5. I'm a dreamer
    Well this one, I guess is for all. but as the cliche goes no one gets to be where they are right now unless determination and effort had been exerted. Now, I have dreams and I just don't wanna keep on dreaming again and again because I really want it to come true and become my reality. So here I am and a Work On Progress. Cheers!




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