But... introductions are scary!

Does anyone else find writing a Steemit Introduce Yourself post terrifying? Ok, maybe terror is a bit strong... I'm not breathing into a paper bag yet. But I've just spent the last half hour reading about the seriousness of my Steemit reputation, and it feels like everything rests on how I present myself to the community. This is where I'm supposed to tell you of the great knowledge I possess, the worldly skills I have to share, and about my stellar mental health and reasonable nature. You may want to know that the posts I'm going to write will not disturb carefully formed views you've spent years cultivating.

To that end, I searched for a hypnosis widget I could embed into this page. It would have established my unquestionable awesomeness and made that one stupid beard hair on my chin invisible to you. Unfortunately, this technology is not where I'd like it to be.

You may be feeling slightly dizzy now and like you want to take me home, feed me, and put me in a bowtie.

Since I'm forced to resort to honesty, here's what I can tell you. I love unanswered questions. I love the way great art makes the entire world stop for a moment. I love change agents and rebels and street people. I love being way too serious one moment and way too silly the next. I love magic and science and dark humor and kindness. I love the colored paper clips at work so much that I hoard them relentlessly.

I don't know what I'm going to post about yet. I've spent a lot of time exploring the weirdness in the world and trying to understand what the hell is going on here, so I'll probably write about that. And cats, there will definitely be posts about cats. Who knows, it may turn out I don't really need to hypnotize anyone, after all.

P.S. I have a variety of bow ties. Call me.


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