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Adventures of a middle-aged itinerant pot farmer, aspiring agorist, and sundry other things

Hi, everyone. I'm Matt. I live in Eastern Washington up in the hills north of Spokane. I moved up here from Albuquerque, New Mexico two-and-a-half years ago to get into the cannabis industry after I was downsized from my corporate management job. After a few months doing some work-at-home AutoCAD piecework and Uber driving, I finally got hired as a delivery driver for a local grower/producer. That was a great introduction to the industry, and it had a couple of great perks, namely an opportunity to tour the state and spend time with my sister and her family in Olympia. But I wanted to get my hands dirty, to learn the plants from clone to harvest. I was fortunate to land a couple of temporary harvest worker gigs and to learn the harvesting, trimming, processing, and packaging aspects of the industry. Unfortunately, it's a tough market to land a full-time permanent position. It's a millennial-dominated market, job-wise, and I'm just a little bit beyond that demographic. I don't want to say I can't get a full-time gig because I'm old, but I've been the oldest guy at every place I've worked so far, and three times now I've been the last guy they let go at the end of the season. Missed it by that much. Not complaining. I think someone my age can offer a perspective these whippersnappers lack. I just haven't been able to convince them of that yet. I'll keep trying.

I got on Steemit because I like to write. You wouldn't know it, because I haven't written much. I think too much. I lose my "voice". I need to do more of this. Just sit down, stop taking myself so seriously, and just bang it out. I like to write about philosophy, voluntaryism, agorism, music, movies, weed, and just doing what the hell you want as long as you aren't hurting anyone else. I'm an anarchist, I guess, although I usually avoid that term because it's been loaded down with a lot of baggage by people who like to scare you into thinking you need to do things their way.

I'll see more of you soon, and I'll talk more about those topics and more. More Steemit, less Facebook. That's my resolution for 2018.

Oh, and BTW, I still do AutoCAD side jobs. I'm not an architect, but I can take that masterpiece you drew up on a cocktail napkin for a deck on your mountain redoubt and turn it into a set of blueprints suitable for framing ... and, you know, building that deck. If you're in my area, I'm a professional driver, and I'll give you a smooth ride for a fair price.

Peace, and thanks for reading!