The choices we make, not the chances we take, determine our destiny | Introduction to the Steemit family

What a great day to be here in the Steemit community!

It may have taken a while to get started, but I am super stoked for the opportunity to be here.
The concept of cryptocurrencies has taken me, and by now most of the world for a wild ride. The idea to be able to share content and earn value on that content is invaluable to me as I am always looking for the next adventure.

My life has been a roller coaster of a journey, as assuming most everyone here has a unique story themselves. I look forward to getting to know as many people as possible, and I have loved the content on here. Thank you to the people who got me here. Shout out to @slickwilly, his lovely lady @curiouser, and my wonder woman @sarahjeanette.

Every day I have one goal in mind, and that is to make the most of every day. Weather you are getting through the daily grind, or climbing a mountain somewhere far away from home; I want everyone to know that there is opportunity out there to benefit yourself and others through everything that you do.

Life can seem short sometimes when you look at the big picture. What you do with that life is what makes you who you are.

Who am I:
I am from the Mid-Atlantic region, born in the 804. It will always be home no matter where I go or what I do. My life has taken me far away from home, but always seems to bring me right back. Life is full of surprises and adventures, and for me this includes: cross country road trips, global travelling, living in four different states over the past two years, and making friends all along the way. The way I see it, there is so much room for activities - name that movie.

When it comes to activities, I am an adventure adrenaline junkie who has a hard time turning down a good time. You tell me to jump, and I say how high. Nature is the biggest part of me and where I like to spend my time. Even better than spending my time in nature is spending it with the love of my life. She is my rock, my foundation, and the motivation to be a better person each and every day.


When it comes to activities, there really isn't anything I wouldn't at least try. Big man upstairs has blessed me with more opportunities than I could have ever asked for. I love sports including: tennis, snowboarding, basketball, golfing, bowling, soccer, and baseball. Tennis is my biggest sport and have been playing since as long as I can remember. I was even a coach in college, but don't let that fool you. Me and my dad go back and forth who wins. This picture might make you think I am really good...


Some of my biggest passions are being on a mountain top, or by the water. If I can do both then that's even better.
One place has stolen my heart over the years. This location is already known if you know me, but if you don't you might recognize it from the movie Dirty Dancing up by Mountain Lake. I would spend days up there rain, snow, sleet, and more wind than I knew how to deal with. The picture here shows the view over the lands of southwest Virginia and West Virginia with a little ice on the trees for some character. One of the most inspiring parts about this place is that no two sunsets are the same. It amazes me every time I am there how much more I love the place. From camping there, to the bonfires, the laughs and good times with friends, this place will always be a special place to me.


Mr. Cody was my roommates dog in college, but was a brother to us all. He is in puppy heaven looking over us and all of our adventures, but the fire tower will always be a place I will remember him.


Next comes the water adventures. I love to spend time on rivers, by lakes, and by the ocean, but it is hard to beat a nice float and fish down the river. Better yet it is a river surrounded by beautiful green pastures and cliffs on either side.
On the other hand below that is some of the wild sides a river can have, and it might be a little difficult to fish in...

river selfie.PNG


I also like to swim underneath the surface with all of the fishies, and even some bigger than me. I am a certified scuba diver which has been a fun hobby I enjoy, even though I have not been as much as I'd like. It is hard to beat the peacefulness of being underwater seemingly frozen in time just floating with the current and watching the life and ecosystem thrive below the surface.


Over the past few years I decided to start a way to document where I travel. I was in the bookstore at Virginia Tech (GO HOKIES!) one day and saw a garden gnome on sale, and I thought it would be a great companion for my travels as I was about to embark on a cross country road trip. His name is Mr. Ralph, and both him and I did not know this was going to be the start of something beautiful. Here below is just one of the many pictures to come, but he cannot wait to show everyone the cool places he was able to see. More of Mr. Ralph will make an appearance in future post so follow me if you want to see more.


One of the cool things I like to do is capture a moment, where that moment could only be seen in the mind. Photography has always been a cool topic for me, and I try my best to capture those moments it can become hard to describe. One of my many favorite things to do is be by the water on a cool night by the fire and moonlight. Here below is that feeling captured.

Nighttime Wonders



One of my last and greatest passions is snowboarding. I competed in college on the downhill race team, and was a very active member of the Virginia Tech Snowboarding Club. This is where I have made lifelong friends, and had some of the best adventures I could only ever dream of. Snowboarding is another one of those things where it is hard to beat the feeling of shredding and exploring lands and mountain tops unknown. I really love to get more in the back country and not so heavy on the freestyle parks as I am a big guy and big guys fall hard. Here below are some of my best memories including the Matterhorn in Zermatt Switzerland and Breckenridge Colorado. Nothing like drinking a cold one at 10K ft as the Matterhorn in the backdrop. It was also hard to beat the 20 ft drop into straight powder in Colorado.





Now that you know a little about me, it is time for me to start exploring you guys and learn more about your adventures and activities. I am so excited to read new content and hope you guys enjoy all that I have to share along my journey called life. Remember to make the most of every day, so that when you go to sleep you know that there are no regrets, and you did your best each and every day to be the best version of you!

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