This is me, here I am

I’ve been writing on Steem for a little over a week now and I’ve been so excited about getting started in writing that I’ve forgotten to introduce myself properly.

So, hello! My name is Rachel. I live in Minnesota with my husband, Nateanite, and our wonderful daughters. Most of my professional career has been in higher education, either advocating for more affordable or accessible post-secondary education or supporting a variety of programs within the college or university I happen to be working at.


In addition to working in education, I am also pursuing an M.A. in Public & Nonprofit Administration. I just finished my second semester, grades are due in two days, and I am nervous. I would love an A, but I think the best I can hope for is a B. I guess we’ll see!

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In between juggling school, my family responsibilities, work, and also being an elected official in my community I often feel like I'm spread a little thin. But (most of the time, anyway) I wouldn't trade this life I have for anything.

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