Introduce my self in steemit

Welcome all to friends around the world both domestically and abroad. A remark from me for everything because the first step to get to know each other.

My first step here is to introduce ourselves so that we know each other. I wish Steemians give permission. Previously I am very grateful for the people who give knowledge and share to me because it is all very useful in the eyes. So while this is a few days before I heard the issue with social media like this is Steemit. And I was immediately interested where this media is very useful until whenever. Little I read on the platform on this media there described the initial step for Introduction of self. So this is very helpful and immediate interested. Not only that but many other things that include the foundations of Steemians are most useful and useful. So I as a new user want to introduce myself.

My name is Puwan. I was born in Aceh, October 11 1996. I am the fourth of eight children. For daily activities I prefer to play with friends, reading and exercising.

I am still a new user hopefully the Steemians are happy to guide me until I can. Because I have the intention to learn, write and exercise. As for my hobby I prefer outdoor sports because it is very challenging, outdoor sports more teach me brave. So that's the reason I prefer outdoor sports.

Still in the learning stages and I am a Mahasiwa one at the Private Higher Education Aceh in Pidie District Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. I want to tell you that I need guidance. Hopefully the future is more able to write, read and so forth.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog hopefully you give suggestions and criticism to improve me. Hopefully the Steemians love it.


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