introduction of myself in steemit

hallo Komunitas Steemit Indonesia.

today I will introduce myself.
straight to.

joined: May 15, 2018

Name: putriyani

Age: 25 years

Status: Single

Indonesian country. Aceh

Hobbies: Traveling

Ambition: shopping

My photo

My komonitas steemit

About me:

    • I am the second child of three siblings, my goal pingin in so be useful for the next world *

photo introduction steemit to the public

My motto:

  • This world is a book, the more we learn the world as in the grasp and for those who do not like to learn then the world is difficult to understand ..

    • In this world I always create myself to be someone who is useful for others, especially for those around me. *
    • my important note .. *
      if other people can do why I can not do it, that I do not accept that


I first got to know steemit first got to know steemit

Thanks to supporters:

*** @tonih85 @masinyak90 @mototank @Muji23 @Martunis85 @syahir12 @Marten85 @akai85 @rimba @raja02 @dekmuji @aciin @semi23 @abangace99 @hantu @udin99 @burung21 @anoni22 @pack-Semy @manokkate @taufiq91 @akai85 @steemdonw ***

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