Hello, this is why and how to stop chemtrails

Hi Steemit! Puff Puff Plant here, an excited new addition to the community. Usually, I vlog about growing medicinal herbs, one in particular... But it seems I am being censored on this other very important topic. A dear PPP subscriber and steemiter (steemitist?) suggested that I try posting my vids on this "censorship resistant" platform, so here goes!

This is a topic nobody wants to talk about but it's the MOST IMPORTANT issue we face. Nothing else matters if we are dying from starvation and neurological disorders. Many aware of what's going down avoid discussing it because they feel helpless to stop it and don't want to be called a "conspiracy theorist" or lose their job or get assassinated...

I am here to say, STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT! Have the courage to reclaim your unalienable power as a human being. It is our moral duty. Other life forms and future generations do not have a voice to fight this ecocide. We are powerful beyond measure, we just need to free ourselves from the mental shackles imposed by our oppressive rulers and their engineered society. Only YOU can free your mind! Once united, we are the many.

They are the few.

As an avid gardener and aspiring farmer, I'm particularly concerned with how these chemicals they are spraying above our heads "to reduce global warming" will affect agriculture. That's my focus in this vid:

Scroll to the end of this post for some concrete actions you and your friends can take today to stop these secretive "geoengineering" chemical programs, the main cause of our sudden "extinction event" going on now.

To all you chemtrail deniers, this video is not meant to "prove" that these chemicals are being sprayed by jets as stated in the patents and as I have personally observed. Do your own research with a discerning mind - the information is out there but there's also plenty of disinformation websites including "contrailscience" and "metabunk" to name a few. The best evidence is in the sky. Our clouds are no longer natural, they are bigger, darker, and give us less rain. It is lighter out before the sun rises and after it sets due to the new hazy reflective layer in the upper atmosphere. The sun also shines brighter during the day due to this layer of metallic nanoparticles. Just look up! And look at the trees dying all around.

Here's some other damning evidence of chemtrails, if you are so inclined:
Pilots, Doctors and Scientists speak out:
Military Industrial Hygienist whistleblower:
CIA director talking about "stratosphere aerosol injection":
Former FBI chief calling out "chemical trails" or "death dumps" weeks before he dies mysteriously: - he said they're spraying in US, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Europe, Mexico and personally saw planes out of Air National Guard in Lincoln, Nebraska
Stronger sun hitting Earth:

A real contrail next to chemtrails in Australia:

CONCRETE ACTIONS TO TAKE NOW according to an expert on the topic:
@ 2:30 this is the chemical final mix plant in Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City...
@ 2:50 To end the manfucaturing of chemtrail spray mixtures, locate all coal ash processing plants --> LIST ONLINE
@ 3:07 investigate coal ash re-processing plants to see whch ones are providing the chemtrail base mixture, locate plants that re-process the most coal ash but don't account for where the processed ash is shipped --> LIST ONLINE
@ 3:22 map all railroads, see which ones travel to a USAF or private airfield on a regular basis --> LIST ONLINE
@ 4:20 record railroad cars that frequently leave coal processing plants and arrive at airfield destinations. Look for more processing plants at those airfield destinations like at Tinker --> LIST ONLINE

"Wake up and live!" ~Bob Marley

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