Introduction to the Steemit world

Hello there,
I guess if you're reading this you're not one of the greedy people out there, trying to only self-promote to make a quick buck. Props to you!

The first post on any site leaves a big impact which direction you're heading. I tried to find a way to really stand out for mine, but it's not the easiest task to handle. Tried my best, hope you enjoy the read!

I'm from Europe, or more exactly Scandinavia. I'm in my early 20's and I'm currently studying Economics at a University/College. I'm also a semi-professional poker player. You can call me Pixel.

Yes. I'm a bit secretive, but it also makes it a bit more interesting.

I choose to study Economics to get a better understanding of how a market works, especially the stock-market. Once I'm done with that, I will move on studying engineering and want to focus on the blockchain technology (or software in general). Hopefully my Economic degree will be to some use there.

Not interested in hearing about blockchain and all the technical stuff? Don't worry, I'll write about a bunch of other stuff as well. I can cover food, photography, poker, training and much more. I've been a vegetarian my whole life, never tasted bacon!

Now you might wonder why I'm actually writing blog posts. Well to make it short, I like get a conversation going. I've been writing posts on other sites for a couple of years now, but I think that my big interest in the "Crypto Space" led me here. I'm always open for other peoples thoughts and discussion topics, I like to learn. Best way to learn is to actually try to teach and write about different topics. My goal here is to be able to make you readers think more and open your mindsets and approach to new stuff. That might sound a bit weird, but let's say it's a language barrier.

Poker player? Yes I've been playing a couple of years now, a bit late to the whole poker party but I still manage to get around and not having to work extra on the side of my studies. Well I count my poker hours as work, but many people don't. Also investing % of my profits in to both the regular stock-market, but also in what I believe in to be a new revolution. Cryptocurrency and the revolving technology. But I'm in no means an extremist, so don't worry.

I'll cover more stuff in upcoming posts, which means that this first post will be pretty brief. I noticed I need a bit more structure to the posts.

To round off this first post, I would like to have a moment of silence for Net Neutrality, which sadly just received the bad news and will be repealed. Sad for the Americans directly affected but this, but it might now start to spread further.


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