Who I think I am

Hey Steemers,

because I like experiments, I'll start to write here. I'm curious how it'll turn out.

I'm Pitty. I have studied Early Childhood Education and earned my Masters degree when I just turned 24. I worked in research projects for some years and published a book and some related articles. I still do that. But as I traveled through the country and talked to kindergarten teachers about it, I realized they don't quite care. They don't know that research has importance for their everyday work. I got frustrated and decided I had to change that. So now I'm a teacher at my alma mater and another college. I teach some people, who could be my parents, which is weird sometimes. But I love my work.

I'm an idealist. I believe in an Utopia. I want to change things. I know a lot of people might say this. 

But I do fight everyday, I talk to people who think hitting a child (a pat on the butt) sometimes is neccessary. I fight thoughts of inequality of people of different skin colours and religions. I fight thoughts of inequality of children and adults. Sometimes it feels like talking to a wall. It's depressing and frustrating. But I won't give up. I can't. I became a  pedagogue because I wanted to increase the quality of our kindergartens. And even if I'm Donna Quijote, I'll continue.

As you might guessed by my pictures, I got married some weeks ago. Was it the best day of my life? Actually, no. One catastrophe after another. But who cares, I'm married now and that's important.

I have a weird little dog, who developes new things to be scared of every week to keep me busy. I love him like nothing else. I won't post pictures of him, because he can't agree to that. I think we should change our attitudes not only towards children, but animals, too. Both have too a right to their bodies - which means they should be asked before you touch them - and of course to their pictures being publicly shown.

I'm scared to write it, but I don't like travelling. Maybe because I lived on the streets when I was younger. I learned to appreciate a home. In the times of internet I don't need to fly around the world to see whatever. I don't need to pollute the air. I haven't even seen the sights of my hometown - and it has some -, believe it or not. But why should I? I know what they look like, it won't change my life to see them for real.

I'm a Trekkie. Not this new timeline they developed in the new movies. TNG! I have a CD signed by the one and only Brent "Data" Spiner. My precious. tich tor ang tesmur.

So why am I here? What I can contribute to steemit? I guess what I know best: How to raise a child. I'll write about what science teaches us about (early) childhood development and education. Maybe, just maybe, some of you will read it. And maybe one or two will think about it or discuss my thoughts with me. And then maybe one will change how she*he raises a child. And then maybe we can become a generation that treats children equal and start a revolution that begins inside. Maybe.



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