Hello Steemit World! My First Post! I come bearing gifts! FREE DOWNLOAD Professional Panoramic Nashville Skyline taken by me!


Greetings from Nashville!

I'm so excited to get started discovering this brave new steemit world!

A bit about myself:

I have a little family that brings me my greatest joy in life. ( @trippin98 is on the right)FullSizeRender.jpg

Fun Stuff:

I snowboard, ski, SUP(Stand-Up Paddleboard), Longboard, Skateboard, Freebord(What's that? Yes, it's spelled correctly), Surf(a little), play guitar, piano, bass, ukulele(barely), trumpet, saxophone(tenor and alto), VOLLEYBALL!! I'm a foodie! I try to always find places to eat that we've never been to before. I give reviews of restaurants on the Yelp app. I love to travel with my friends and family. I try to take professional quality panoramic shots of the locations we visit. More about that to come...

Work Stuff:

I am a per diem Nurse in Critical Care. Before that I was a full-time photographer. I only do a few paying photography jobs per year now. Everything else is I photograph is for fun.
Favorite movie: Nacho Libre! Best actor of ALL TIME: Tom Hanks. Of course. Who else(put it in the comments)?

We have lots of interests...

We found this little guy last night! We checked him out for a minute and let him go back to his business unharmed.
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Naomi is befriending a little visitor we found in the yard the other day. FullSizeRender 4.jpg
Remind me to tell you about how she finally got rid of that 2nd front tooth...

When in Rome... (er - Steem):FullSizeRender 3.jpg

And now for what I promised you!!

I recently purchased a drone for taking professional panoramic photos and videos! My family was playing volleyball at Centennial Park in Nashville, TN on Thursday, April 13th and I sent the Yuneec Typhoon H drone up at 6:30pm to get some shots. I took those shots into Photoshop CC 2017 on my MacBook Pro and created the panoramic image represented at the top of this post. This image is high quality and the resolution is such that it can be printed into a 28" wide wall print. The following direct link is to my Amazon Prime account where you can download the full size image. Please download it, and print it however you want. I would love to hear your comments about this image and how you use it(include picture)! The only thing I ask is that if you use the image online, you would give me credit as the artist.

I suggest that you use a top quality photo lab like http://www.mpix.com for printing the image. Their prices are awesome and their quality is equally impressive.

And here is the link!! https://www.amazon.com/photos/share/yMpDsBQUTs7oQbB4SD1ogunovNNZsLyIjCwGaEwoGGn

I will keep the link active for the next 7 days. Please follow me because I have many more images like this one to give away in the coming days!

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