Hey, I'm Rob, I volunteer, travel, and build things out of earth

 Hello Steemit, I’m Rob, I like to volunteer and travel.   

I’ve been lurking in the shadows of facebook for quite some time now, getting slowly bored of scrolling through a sea of shallow sentiments. I first joined when I started University 10 years ago, but the excitement of seeing a new notification wore off a long time ago.  

As an introvert, telling people about my life is not something I particularly like to do, whether it’s a fear of criticism, or a fear of being egotistical, I don’t know. But facebook, for me, only deepens the issue. No longer am I simply quiet in front of the people I meet, I’m now quiet in front of everyone I’ve ever met, and everyone they’re ever met, all of the time. So I don’t post on Facebook. 

But I have a lot to share, and for some reason, sharing it with the entire world on a transparent platform is less daunting than sharing it with everyone I’ve ever met. I’ve probably never met you, I will probably never meet you, so let’s give it a try. 

I’ve used Wordpress for years to share my photos, but this platform is the one I’ve been waiting for. A decentralised, open source, crypto based blogging platform that pays its users for their creativity. 

Thank you for making this and sharing it with the world, I hope it continues to grow, that the hackers/ debuggers continue to strengthen the system and that wealth is fairly distributed to those that create valuable content. My only worry is that people will be paid to post things that they haven’t created, but I guess that’s inevitable, until creators come here first!  

I love building houses out of earth, and I spent 3 years volunteering on a tiny farm in the mountains of Ecuador. The 9-5 office routine barely paid enough to continue living the 9-5 office routine, so I decided that if I wasn’t saving any money, I’d rather be doing something I love. 

The first time I visited the farm was in 2010, I was there for 9 months and I built a tiny underground hobbit house.  

The 2nd time was in 2013, and I spent 2 years building a community centre, which I did a TEDx talk about! 

I love photography, and I have thousands of photos of the projects, as well as tens of thousands of photos waiting to be made into timelapses. Hopefully this site will motivate me to do some editing. 

I also love 3D printing, anything to do with permaculture, 2nd hand shops and DIY projects.  

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