Been looking for a friendly platform/community to share with

I have been intently writing (in private) for the better part of a year now, albeit not sharing a single word. Very few people even know of my aspirations.. - It's not that I'm shy, I just haven't found the right platform. Nothing has felt right. Well. I've decided to give steem a shot. Let's see how it goes!

I'm human; I have plenty of struggles, heartbreak, failure, loneliness, anxiety. Yet, I am a firm believer in the extreme power of the human mind. Pretty much unbounded power, if you let it.

My favorite author to date is Nassim Taleb. Most of my studies lately have consisted of related topics, risk, probabilities, decision theory, game theory, economics, philosophy, psychology, human nature, history, physics and mathematics. Heck, some of my writing even has a hint of personal encourage/empowerment.

I'm bad at intro's and this is way too fucking formal of writing for me. From now on, I'll leave this type of writing for work emails. Also, I do this:IMG_6205 (2).PNG

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