Finally, Here I am! 🙋

This is very exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time since it's my first time writing or blogging in English. You might find a lot of grammar mistakes on my blog, but I hope it'll still be understandable.

"Tri" (pronounce like "tree") is how most of my friends call me. Since my early 20s I've been actively traveling solo or with a couple of friends exploring mountains, jungles, and beaches in Indonesia. I was a broke student who had a lot of dreams. Though I didn't have much money to do a safe comfortable traveling, somehow I managed to find a way to make it true. I hitchhiked, took the most dangerous yet cheapest bus, cheapest and feet-numbing long train ride, or simply just walked towards my destinations. At that time, I didn't have a proper camera or device to take photos of my journeys, but I did write bit and pieces about it in my journal. Therefor, my posts or blogs will be more about traveling... well, a budgeteers kind of traveling, or mountaineering.## ## ###

Now, that I'm 31 years old with slightly more money but less time, I think it will be nice to reminisce and share my experiences here with all of you great people. I would appreciate it if you guys could give me feedback or advice on how to make a better blog or post. To wrap this up, I'd like to share one of my favorite pictures of some hiking I did in Mount Rinjani in August 2016 :)


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