Hi, Steemit! You love such stories... :)

Pattern and Love! :)) I am Volk, Victor Volk! :)

How I got acquainted with Steemit? If you love interesting stories, then prepare ;)
Everything began very long time ago when I threw university and wandered on streets enjoying freedom and!

I enjoyed freedom of thought, a personal freedom, a freedom of choice! I always aimed at freedom - spiritual and financial, and still then I for the first time got acquainted with Internet earnings, and thanks to it I met love of the life, there were years, I developed, didn't sleep, tried to combine operation + darling + books + meditations + writing of books!

It seems, not the student, "unemployed", but life boils as if at the millionaire! And I will tell one - it was heavy, there were very difficult periods, I grew spiritually, so I cultivated in myself the Person.

I love very much music, I have to an ukulela, a jew's harp, the Tibetan bowls, hang and other interesting tools, since the childhood I draw much, and often I write the books! Thousand and one business!
I recorded specially survey video of my creative and shaman satellites! :)

And here, after many efforts and efforts I began to feel take-off, I began to lift up in the social world, grow spiritually, but you think it became easier? It became even heavier! I couldn't be content former any more, I learned more better life and when threw out me on coast of old life, I suffered much stronger!

Don't dream to earn one million, dream to earn one million permanently! And you will spend that and it will be heavy, you learn life from the new side, you will understand that there are people for whom simpler and simpler, easier and more available, and I speak not about money, it is much thinner, will be to tell more precisely - the Karma.

And here I continued to fight, I fell in love with hindrances, admired such people as Robert Kiyosaki, I believed in myself, and my darling believed in me, to be honest, if not she - that I would be afraid achieved of nothing when I gave up and went out, I continued to fight, but not for myself, and for the sake of her.
And here at some point growth became such intensive that will be enough for couple of books, but if it is short, then I could earn the first $15.000 for few months and make a trip of all the dream!

We went to shamans to Peru! It was unforgettable, we dreamed of it long ago, and considering that we live in Russia, it was literally traveling to the other end of the world!

It was very interesting to look on the way at Amsterdam, Panama, what different mentality at people what we different and remarkable!

Very much surprised with Peru, it is valid - the country of contrasts, the huge market!

I already write separate articles about this traveling, and here having reached the jungle - to us secrets of the World were revealed, we lived nearly three months with shamans, ate only one rice, meditated, there took place magic dedications with force plants, learned secrets and to see the World through, it was traveling not only to external space, but also in internal! I will surely write about this in more detail how much, it is difficult to describe! The Shamanism is my Way, it is an essence of the Nature and I live them.

Shaman Anael

Shipibo Shamana

In Junglee
And here so the child who once walked in art school was inspired by the animated film "Coercions Hunters" and dreamed of magic, imagining the shaman - it appeared in Peru, having earned and having successfully spent one million! :)) Million Russian rubles and having bought a qualitative silicone mask of the old man! :))

The dream came true, but what you think - became easier? No, even more difficultly, much more difficultly! Adventures and pull, and call! And as it is difficult to be occasionally in this vanity, without having an opportunity to return to Truth..., but it is part of the Way, part of experience too. :))

I was always rescued by reading, I read also on very different subjects, from books on operation of a brain, before works of Buddhist monks much, also I was inspired by heroes, Saints, Vikings, shamans, artists, travelers, and all people who went the way! Who wasn't afraid to go them and tried to obtain the, it wasn't as if difficult for whom honor and conscience was above the benefits and I gave them all benefits! But now rescues me and inspires also Steemit! :) There are a lot of remarkable listeners and worthy people here! I am grateful to Destiny that it appeared here and we can build the new World, fair, the free and correct :))

I read that Steemit is a step - a step to evolutions and as the bitcoin was once unknown, and those who were inspired and believed steel millionaires, and we, will be those pioneers who helped to change to the World to the best! Who common efforts created the new, ecological, developed and wise World :)

Also I want to note that I love very much animals and them at me much!

Wolf, very wise dog! And at the moment I strongly was fond of hypnosis and I have great success! But it is already another story, other articles :))

I thank you for attention, I am glad to acquaintance and I wish you the Benefit, Love and Good, your Victor Volk! <3

P.S. At my favourite @tagira for the first post of $ +150! Let's overtake it!))) All the same money for a family will go also travelings to shamans, it is more than sincere smiles and happy people))
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