Greetings from Adelaide, South Australia!

Hello everyone! My name is Niralan. I am from Adelaide, South Australia. I was born in Singapore but moved to Adelaide in 2008 to further my studies. After finishing my studies (did a Bachelor of Information Technology), I decided to live here permanently. Since 2011, I have been working as a software developer.


During my free time, I like to play tennis. Besides playing tennis, I like watching movies, reading non-fiction books (mainly self-help and investing) and watching tennis. 

Last week, I just stumbled upon about a video about Steemit. I was amazed about its features. I am excited to be a member of this community. I am planning to blog about investing, cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, software programming languages and travel. I look forward to get connected to other Steemit members all over the world.  I wish everyone the best of luck and success. 

Have a nice day! :-)

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