My first post! Here is my introduction!

Hey, hey, hey!!!
This is my first post here! I bet you can tell how excited I am to be here! Much like a little girl in a candy store right?😊😊

I already know that I am going to love being here (I already made up my mind to, anyway). I am eagerly looking forward to having an amazing experience, on a more serious note. I also believe an introduction is in order so that you can know a bit about me.

So, the name is @ngwinndave (I know you can see that already, right). I am a Nigerian, a wife and a mum of four adorable kids. These four kids are actually a major part of my "why" in all I do at this point in my life.

I believe in being intentional in creating the life I desire by taking little steps on a daily basis to get to my goal.

I wear so many hats (wife, mum, teacher, caterer, farmer, singer, writer, pastor). Not easy, but by grace, I do it beautifully (sometimes with tears 😭).

Yes, I deliberately mentioned the tears because they are part of the story. Maybe tears of pain, sometimes tears of joy.

Bottom line is that at the end of the day, we don't look like what we've been through. I said "we", because I know you can relate...haha.

My friends say that I am loyal, my kids say that I am strict and friendly, my students say I make them work hard 🤷‍♀️. Well, as long as we get results, I don't mind

I am also someone who now believes in progress over perfection. For many years, I was a victim of perfectionism but am now so glad to be free.

I believe that changing my mindset is the starting point to changing my life. So I have made up my mind not to let fear stop me from taking action. I wish I worked on my mindset in my younger years...

As you read my post today, I want you to know that it is okay to be scared by the goals you want to achieve. Many times I take my first step despite the fears and butterflies in my stomach.

I have learnt to stop giving excuses for my inactions and to start taking imperfect action, living intentionally.

I am glad to have this opportunity to connect with you. This was made possible by the following people:
@uchenna.lucy and @kenechukwu97
Thank you both for the part you played to bring me on board.

So, thanks for taking the time to read my post. I would love to read what you think about it in the comments.

The picture used in this post is me smiling like a little girl in a candy store. I am the original owner of the photo.

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