Escaping The Matrix...New to Steemit...Hello my name is...

Matrix background source:

Hello Steemians,

My username is neovie as in Neo from the Matrix movie and vie, word for life in French. Everyone calls me CK and it’s great to finally join the Steemit community. I’ve been searching for a platform to express myself free from the mainstream. Looking forward to everything this platform has to offer. So let’s answer some questions you may or may not be asking:

Who am I?
I’m just a regular person, poor middle class Asian guy with dreams of acquiring wealth while maintaining good health. I have an iphone S as in SE not X as in 10. I have a BMX bike instead of a BMW car but I love my Honda. I’m looking to cryptocurrency for wealth, organic foods for health.

What do I like?
I prefer breasts (chicken) over legs (still chicken), although I won’t complain about beautiful women. I’m a car lover, not a cat lover. I like sports in general but love hockey and baseball, trying to live a healthy lifestyle, enjoy playing poker, games, movies and traveling whenever I can.

Where am I right now?
I’m in a bubble tea place in Canada surrounded by wealthy Asians that drive luxury cars.

Why am I a working poor middle class?
Born in the western world, struggling between western lifestyle and Asian identity, I was influenced by the mainstream, asleep like a sheep, enslaved at my day job, rat racing like most people in this world.

What is the plan?
Looking for a way out, hoping my cryptocurrencies will moonshot in 2018. Hoping my steemit blogs will trend, hoping to win a big poker tournament. Last resort is to win the lottery. By the way, for a lot of people, winning the lottery is their retirement plan while slaving 9 to 5 working every day to make ends meet. Locked into a mortgage that may never be paid off in a lifetime, monthly car payments, high credit card debt, living paycheck to paycheck constantly in fear of losing their job. Next thing they know, they’re 65 years old with poor health and nothing much to show for it and that’s it for life. I don’t want that. I’m going to escape from the matrix, seek financial independence and reclaim my personal time to do the things I enjoy in life. Follow me on my journey. Here are some things I’ll blog about along the way:

Cryptocurrency related – step by step on setup information, trading etc. as it relates to beginners, especially for Canadians. I had to jump through hoops when I started, so I want to help beginners understand everything easier as it relates to this topic. I’m still learning along the way too and looking forward to following others on Steemit for information mining.

Organic and Health related – i.e. organic foods, non GMO, natural healthy living etc.

Lifestyle and Entertainment related – i.e. Cars, Apps, Travel, Poker, Movies, Weird and Interesting news, anything I do for fun etc.

The best way to end this post is with one of my favourite songs below called - follow me…hint, hint lol.

Thanks for reading! Cheers!

YouTube video source: By Pearson Lee
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