Solo mom of twins

Completely new to blockchain and its community and being advised to introduce myself first, here's my first shot. I opted for a short story about the most invasive turning point in my life, and which still completely dominates my current life. I thought it would probably be the best way to tell a little bit more about myself.

A few years ago I decided to become a solo mom. I went trough my pregnancy alone, along with the emotional rollercoaster of hormones bringing as many lows as highs. I must admit, I did secretly hope to have twins because I wanted to have two children eventually, and I had a feeling I was a bit more predestined to get twins as my mom is a twin -did not have anything to do with the fact that I have twins now though-

Anyways, thinking I was having a miscarriage, I went to my OB/GYN and suddenly saw two blinking lights on the screen, I was in heaven! Soon a few people started to warn me about the difficult life that was waiting ahead of me or pointed out that I had taken a crazy decision ... I ignored them all, and selectively listened to the other, significantly larger, group of people who said that twins would be easier than one kid because they will be able to play with each other, right?

I mean, how difficult can parenthood be? In life you need licenses, degrees, certificates, and so on for literally everything! You want to apply for a job, where is your degree? You want to drive a vehicle, where is your license? Even if you can swim 25m you are rewarded with a swimming certificate for the extraordinary challenge you have managed to conquer... you don't need any of these to become a parent, to become responsible for taking care of a baby completely dependent of your care for its survival... so how difficult can it be? Everybody does it around the world. Isn't it the most natural thing ever?

Then, mayhem erupted. This big ego of "I have got this", soon turned into a humble panicky little girl thinking "oh boy, what have I got myself into?" I had the feeling I was thrown in the middle of the ocean with all my clothes on and with no direction where to swim to reach the shore. I have the feeling big waves are coming all the time, allowing me to just take a big breath before I am dragged underwater, desperately fighting to survive and go up again ... every now and then I get a lucky break of just a few seconds, just enough to take another big breath before I go underwater again. A lucky break, just enough to survive a little longer in this wild ocean ... Welcome to my life of the past two years! Cheers!

Very grateful though to have my strong and healthy twins! :)


P.s. In a meantime I am also taking care of 4 cats -more stories to come-

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