Project Rekha

Hello Steemians,

This is my simultaneous #introduceyourself post. If you haven’t read the first post with my introduction, here is the link. As promised in my first post I am introducing “Project Rekha” in this post.

Rekha is a sweeper in a hospital in central India. She is the lone able person in her family of five. She is a mother to two girls both of whom are night blind and a son who was born normal but had a burn accident that left him scar-faced. Her husband is also night blind and out of work. She lives in extreme poverty as defined by United Nations. The objective of Project Rekha is to lift her above UN threshold of $1.9 /day/person.


As of now I have received support from @sharonomics et al which may be enough to generate about Rs 1,000 / month (about $14.5) for Project Rekha using the influence here on Steemit. To meet UN’s extreme poverty threshold level Rekha’s family would need Rs 6,000/month (about $86.00). I am inviting compassionate Steemians with reasonable influence to participate in this good cause that not only brings some relief to Rekha but opens up a new way to deal with poverty.


Its a humble request to all for supporting us in this campaign so that we can make at least lift one family out of extreme poverty.

Generous Support To Project Rekha From @autonio & @properist:

Those who support Project Rekha with their upvotes @autonio will airdrop NIO tokens and @propserist Xteem tokens proportional to their vote value.

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