Introduce Myself

Hello steemians .. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tiya Kandiya, you can call me Tiya. my id "mytik". I am 22 years old. I was born on May 10, 1995.

I feel very happy to join steemit, so I can get lots of friends and gain a lot of knowledge. I hope that what I say can benefit and benefit you all.

First of all I know the name of Steemit in August 2017 from my brother who came from Lhokseumawe, He knows many things about steemit, he also explained to me how steemit works. But I am not too focused on using steemit because at that time I was a final semester student who was struggling to make the final project.

Because my hobby is writing and reading, now I am again trying to write my work, because I feel amazed by the steemians who have succeeded here by giving a lot of knowledge to everyone. I hope support from all of you.

Thank you so much..

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