My very first post on steamit


Gladly I will say, I'm finally here.
I am from Nigeria the western part of Africa, growing up from this part of the word gave me the zeal to be creative and source for more knowledge in order to attain an independent life, this has led me to become more and more stable in three major areas as time grows which i will be sharing with you briefly. these includes; working as a freelance web developer, writer, and a mentor.

Working as a freelance web developer

How did i get here?
It all started right from the first day i started learning to code, when i started I learnt mostly through self study via online education platforms and through a mentor sometimes, but one thing kept pushing me never to quite as i meet more programmers online with most of them working directly from their homes and i was so motivated to get there someday, during my course of studying programming I also came across a platform called freecodecamp where i was able to complete their algorithms and front end projects with a certification. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the experiences and stages of how i got here, but after a lot of study and engaging in projects i got a beginner developer job and gradually i started getting in touch with clients who were willing to work with me irrespective of were i wish to work from, and here I am.

why writing?

I decided to also engage in writing because i realized that during my learning curve i encountered many challenges and writing about them will actually help others to move faster, I write mostly about programming, code snippets and general knowledge in tech to enlighten the new comers.

Being a mentor

Being a mentor to others on what you know is one of the greatest source of more knowledge added to what you already know, I am here on steemit because I happen to meet one of my student @apiprincz who is very vast in the cryptocurrency world and very enthusiastic about technology, while i was teaching him programming he realized that i could also get involved in steemit and he never hesitated to put me through the entire registration process and also full tutorials on how to use it, thank you very much once again @apiprincz you are a genius. I also like to mentor others because looking at it from my experience i realized that it gets faster when you actually have someone to guide you with the best resources to focus on at the right time.

I hope i have given you what you expected to hear about me, I feel very much motivated here being among like minded people who are always willing to impact knowledge to others via their posts. keep up with the good work and i will assure you that the time you spent researching and looking for the best way to present the knowledge in the right way for better communication will lead you to acquiring more.
before I end this i will leave you with one of my favorite quote.


Stay tuned for more posts which will definitely be rich in knowledge

Thank you all for your time.

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