Mr Anderson and Neo are Renewed Through STEEMIT - Hello World

I spend my days researching technologies that empower the individual and as you can see I did make one of the earliest accounts here on steemit, but it has taken until now for this platform to really sink in what is going on.  With that in mind I am going to introduce myself a little more.

My life has been in transition the last few years. As stated from my previous post, I am a physician assistant and have been a medical professional more than half my life.  The last few years though there has been a different part of me growing. I still love to figure out problems and how to heal (fix) them, but I have realized I need to keep balance in my life.  All this was mostly brought on when I joined the SAFEnetwork community ( ) and realized there is a better way to live through self empowerment.

The home I own is powered by solar panels 

Here is me using a local fast DC charge station for free fuel.

 I rent out the space I don’t use on AirBNB ( ) . I rent out my cars when I don’t use them on Turo ( ). Even though these systems still involve a centralized control and taking a “cut” on my value exchanged, they are proving the potential of a peer to peer, share economy.  I have no doubt these centralized services will be decentralized some day and we will not be dependent on a third party to successfully share our resources.

Laboring in Freedom is also an empowering component for me to live a balanced life.  That is the main reason I have joined an amazing project  (I have designed/built most of the website I’m neo-thematrix ). This project for me must be complete before I can move forward with my dream projects….and I do have a bunch.  I will post later some of those ideas.

I felt a little disappointed I didn’t see the potential of STEEMIT sooner, but fortunately all of us here are still very early and can be the master of our own destiny.  I would like to spend the majority of my labor on decentralized projects that empower the individual.  With your support that can happen.

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