The perfect STEEMIT THEME POEM ,introduce myself :)

All day I think about what I show in Steemit page
But nothing comes to mind
Everyone has the best themes less me
But what I can show that is truly mine? ....

I looked for photos, asked me to make a video , an introduction ?
But nothing seemed to write because it was not part of me
I wanted something beautiful, something perfect ,
Something that everyone liked and that made impact

It looked like a coin bit , introduce yourself, technology ,
It was the most exposed and views ,
But who I identified myself ? nothing seems to work...
The day's pass and I could not initiate the Steemit
As I so craved

That's when I realized,
The poem I write, I create ,is my pure thought
Courage and sense
And so in Steemit I introduce myself .
with love

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