# New to steemit. An self intro post and figuring out what this great platform is al l about.

   <center><a href='https://postimg.cc/ZW3kHXWF' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.postimg.cc/g2tYzWd5/a-3308712-1920.jpg' border='0' alt='a-3308712-1920'/></a></center>

Introduce myself post

Hi everyone. My name is mixed-emotions. I live in Cape Town South Africa. In a small town call Strand. It's next to another town called Gordon's Bay. The following is a picture of Gordon's bay.


I'm a curious teen girl and I'm still in high school. I love to learn new things and I hope to become a software developer one day.

Right now though, I'm just doing my best to survive high school. It's a crazy world.

The whys and the whatnots.


I hope to share my life experiences with the world through steemit including the mistakes, the lessons and the craziness of growing up.

I'm a big skateboarder and I enjoy being out in nature. I hope as I post more I'll get to share that part of my life as well.

I adore flowers, especially the wild ones. I think nature is at its prettiest when it hasn't been turned upside down haha. I'm a foodie through and through.

I will eat any edible. I understand that I'm still growing up and I'm ready to embrace the changes.

Big dreams.


So, what brought me to steemit? Inspiration came to me through a friend who is a steemian.

She told me it's a platform on the move, and I love a product that's going somewhere.

So I thought ummm.. why not give it a go and here I am. I hope to invest some of my small earnings on steemit for the long term. I'm happy to be here. That's just about me. Hello everyone.

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