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My collection of a hundred four-leaf clovers

Hi everyone, I want to tell you the story about my hobby from childhood. I was collecting four-leaf clovers what is popular in my country because of tradicional belief which says four-leaf clover brings the happiness in your life.

It all began when I was about 10 years old. As all children I was playing in grass and accidentally I saw a four-leaf clover. This was my first one what brought me my first yoj. The same day I found even three more four-leaf clovers. As a child I thought some magic is around me till I began to collect at least three four-leaf clovers a day. Then it began to be my routine.


Rarely I was searching for them, the most of them I found accidentally, just looking at grass some time, about a minute. I don`t remember what period I achieved the number of 100 four-leaf clovers. It was suprise for everyone I told about this. Even a journalist from my village found out and asked me for an interview. And here it is, my first moment of fame :)

From the newspaper

My collecting didn t stop (the fame didnt change me :) ), I continue to "look at grass" and till today I have 134 four-leaf clovers.

My album with 134 four-leaf clovers (it has many pages :P)



I`m not in touch with grass everyday anymore , so the number increases slowly, but still today, when I come on vacation in the village from my childhood, the place where everything began, I still have a habit of searching four-leaf clovers.

Me looking at grass :)

I dont know if youve ever tried to find some four-leaf clover and if this tradition exists in other countries as popular as in mine, so be free to describe me :) In a case you try to find some, I can give you some destruction:
Look at grass full of clovers from bigger height, dont set down your eyes just above grass because this way you have a huger view and clover will be found easier. And more, when you find a four-leaf clover, dont move your eyes from this place, there could be more of them because there is a seed of four-leaf clover. So, it`s possible there is or there will be more four-leaf clovers. If there are not in this moment, you can make a note of this place and come back a few days afterwards and check out.

And if you ask me if I am a happy person, I have to say I am because I still have a positive view on life and believe in progress. And if you ask me in traditional context of happiness, in many situations the fortune played the main role, but not always. :)

Thanks for reading.