Introduce Yourself

2BFBF7DC-0BD2-4FC8-82F0-6556A14E8BCF.jpeg I am Miss Mosi the Fairy. I’m fashionably late to the “introduce yourself” party. My family Matriarch told me I was a Poet and an Intellect this summer so I decided to join Steemit. I am a Hairdresser by Day and a Magician at Night. I’ve been writing Poetry since adolescence. I use Astrology to make major life decisions. I have a Kick Ass Crystal collection and I don’t trust Big Pharma. I Love all the Souls in the Earth especially the ones with Wombs. I don’t believe in Religious Fanaticism. I’d attend almost any form of Worship. I never owned pants until I was 13. Spending my youth in dresses made me feel the reigns of Patriarchy at an early age. I have memorized the 23 Psalm and the Alphabet in Hebrew. On my journey to self actualization I Fast and Pray. I also dance and drink with drag Queens. I find both activities to necessary and therapeutic. I cured myself from anxiety attack’s with positive vibes. I try not to run out of local Honey and Blackseed Oil. I’m a hippy but I don’t smoke pot. Marijuana smoking makes me feel jittery. I drink Fair Trade coffee most mornings. I’ve tried veganism three times. This is kind of like a MissMosi Fun Facts list..... I wish all humans could have healthy foods, shelter, clean running water, and Laughter Daily. I’m a Cancer Sun Gemini Moon with Venus Also in Gemini. This means I’m naturally extreme and contradictory. I have really good luck and I am currently in a relationship with Life. My current favorite deity is Siddhartha aka Buddha. “Normal” people make me nervous. I Love Babies. My roommate is a painter so I live in a revolving Art Gallery. Sometimes I’m Queen Sheba other times Nikki Minaj cause I like to keep a good Balance. PEACE

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