The Artist In Me: My Life Story

I grew to a family where support system is a scarcity. Though I knew then that we have innate talents, my siblings and I never excelled in anything. We don't have the self - esteem. We grew with inferiority complexes.
Once a family friend heard me singing. She thought I was good at it. She asked me to sing in front of my parents but my father told me that my song is a sort of pitchy and I was off-key. That ended my singing career even before it started.
I became shy and aloof. But that did not stop me from doing what I love, that is drawing. I drew when I was bored and lessons at school didn't interest me. I was once caught my my instructor drawing an anime character. Instead of reprimanding me, she said to hone my talents. I was so happy. I was encouraged so throughout high school and college I practiced drawing.
20180512_125235.jpgIt's me during my college years.

When I was employed as a teacher, I was eager to teach and help pupils to build and hone their skills, specifically in drawing. I encouraged my pupils and signing them up for competitions but never did we receive any awards. It hurt me more than when I was being criticized myself. I was devastated. I ceased to draw for years but when my son showed promise, I began to draw again. I also watch videos and attended workshops to enhance my skills. I wanted to be an inspiration for my son.
This is the drawing my son made when he was six.

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These are my two lovely kids.

My daughter also love to draw. When she was in 2nd Grade, she won 1st place in On-the-Spot Painting at the District Level. I was so happy and so proud of her.

My student also won 1st place in On-the-Spot Painting in both at the District Level and QUALCI Level. She also won 2nd place at the Division Level that made her a qualifier for the national competition.
During the awarding of certificate and medal to my pupil.

I may lack moral supports from my parents and relatives, I will give it in abundance to my children and my pupils. And in order to give more of what I have to them, I tried another avenue to develop and enhance the artist in me... I tried painting. And I also illustrates book to help pupils how to read.
This is the painting I made for the first time.
This is me, helping learners how to read using the books I illustrated myself.

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