Hello world! Hola from Barcelona! :D - Happy Marketing consultant woman

Hola everyone!

I´m Mariem Kaddouri and I´m 28 years old. I came to this world with a mission: being happy and possitive. Now I want to share this with you :) 

Good things happen for a reason and bad things can be avoided if we are strong.

I come from a majestic city in south Spain: Seville. I think I´m a lucky person.  Sometimes we forget  how lucky we are and we only foccus on how misserable a situation is or how stupid a person was. I´m lucky because of my family: mother, father and brother.

My parents gave me all the tools and love that I would need in my future and thanks to them I´m who I´m now. I´m also lucky because I worked hard in my life and nowadays I´m working where I allways wanted

And finally I´m a lucky woman cause I found my best half ever: @nolimit  Yes, I´m totally in love

My sign of the zodiac is aries: brave and honest. I trust and love my friends. I love laughing... YES..don´t be near me if I´m suffering a laugh attack. Otherwise you´ll start laughing and crying with me.

I like taking care about myself, I allways eat in a healthy way, I don´t smoke and I practise sport. But hey! that does not mean that I don´t enjoy life eating ice-creams, chocolates or pizzas ! The secret stays in the balance. 

I´m a happy hybrid person who came to the earth as a result of the mix between my spanish mother and moroccan father. I met a lot of people who refused to be mixed; why? no idea... But for me is the best. Spanish people say:

"you came to the world with a bread under your arm"

It may sound weird but it means that you are a very fortunate person. I think I´m. In next chapters I will explain some funny moroccan experiences...

Coming back to this #IntroduceYourself post I would like to let you know the topic I will develop in the next post: 


I still don´t know how to do it but all I can be sure about is that I´ll do it in funny and spontaneous way. I will probably start posting in spanish as it is my mother tongue and I think there is a huge potential to start developing good content in spanish. 

Do you want to discover this passionate and fantastic life with me? Join me and my new Steemit way of life. At least you will have a good and possitive time! 

See you soon!



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