I'm not gonna use the word Steem-users call themselves as if I was already one of them #introduceyourself

Hey there! Complete newbie here.

I just got my account verified two days ago or so after waiting for over two weeks, which probably is pretty normal by now.
I still don't really know where or what to begin with. So I'm just gonna tell you something about myself:

My name is Gabs, which is short for Gabriel. I'm from Germany/Austria, almost 20 years old, studying biology and mathematics teaching profession. Actually I'm not really sure if I want to write in German or in English, since my posts will probably contain some more or less funny mistakes when I stick with English...

I already have two very small youtube channels, a gaming channel and one where I upload videos on my ant colonies and other nature related stuff. Got here through youtube, since steemit, especially dtube, has been a more or less trending topic on some channels recently.

The two main options at what to do here are uploading my videos on dtube, and writing about my ant colonies. It'll probably be a mix of everything that comes to my mind until I make a final decision, which is very uncertain to happen at all ^^


Whatever, I hope you enjoyed reading! Please let me know if there are any mistakes, it is the only way I can learn and get better.


PS: Oh, there's a tags section... are hashtags even a thing on this platform?!
PPS: I wish I knew how to center images.
PPPS: The font looks kind of cool.

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