·A Bit About Me·

Hello friends of Steemit, My name is Maria Fernanda Penalty Venezuelan nationality, born in the state of My Country, My Dearest Zulia. Land of bagpipes, Drums, fried plantains, and raised in the city of the Knights My Precious Merida city of wonderful mountains, snow capped peaks and spectacular landscapes.
I am 26 years old and i am currently in Forestry Students in one of the best universities in this country as is the illustrious University of The Andes known as the ULA. Work as a promoter desk where we travel to know the best places of My Beautiful Merida
I have an excellent family that are my pillar my highest worship, as the entire family something crazy but very close-knit. My reason for being are My Parents, My Inspiration My Nephews, My strength my brothers. My desire to keep always in struggle ***THEY ARE MY FAMILY***
*My Inspiration*
I love to read (my favorite authors Paulo Coelho,Walter Riso, Eduardo Galeano, Isabel Allende, Mario Benedetti) Listen to music ( Ricardo Arjona) I am fascinated by the pictures.
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