Hello Steems its Madison

My name is Madison. Thank you for this great platform.

Abut me, I enjoy and most appreciate the simple things in life: listening to the wind rustle in the trees, watching birds and squirrels at play, laying on the grass and breathing fresh air. I hold doors open for people and when I ask strangers how they're doing, I really want to know. I listen more than I talk. I'm a writer - worked professionally as a journalist, screenwriter, novelist and copy editor - so I need a guy who understands my need for space and independence in which to write. I like riding motorcycles, though I don't have one of my own. My main ambition is just to be healthy and productive. I have multiple sclerosis, which I successfully manage with a combination of healthy eating and both traditional and alternative medicine. I've pretty much stopped my disease progression in its tracks this way - no new MRI activity for the past 5 years, no relapses for 2 - though if you're looking for someone to go on long walks or run marathons with you, I'm not the woman for you. I love swimming, hot tubs, sitting in nature, reading, cooking, and having really deep conversations. 

I worked as a writer my entire life. Even during a 7-year stint working in Bioterrorism Preparedness for the Department of Homeland Security, I was writing promotional and educational materials. In 2008 I was diagnosed with MS and I had to slow down and focus full-time on staying healthy, but I do still write professionally here and there for private clients. 

My favorite books, The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury. War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy. Villette, by Charlotte Bronte. The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe.

Movies, The Matrix. Star Wars (the original). Jaws. Angelheart. Breakfast at Tiffany's. Adam's Rib.

TV shows, I don't really watch TV - in fact, I don't own a television. But I've been known to get sucked into baseball games (Red Sox), hockey games, political debates, nature shows, and I do enjoy the occasional episode of Judge Judy if I happen to be somewhere and catch it!

My favorite food, Lobstah!  Also love shrimp, scallops, bass, a nice rare filet mignon, mixed roasted veggies, fruits of all kinds, sushi, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I've never met a tiramisu I didn't like! In general, I try to stick to eating organic and gluten-free. I generally avoid sugar, caffeine, dairy and soy, though I do cheat sometimes for special occasions.

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