Just Lilchen ...

Hello Everybody,

I am really excited to be a part of the Steemit – Community.

My name is Lara, I am 20 years old and I live in a small village in Germany. Besides I am a half Icelandic girl, who loves her second home a lot. Yes I am a little Viking girl: D

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I will just sum up some random facts about me to introduce myself 😊

  • I love to do sports. Before I started with my dual study program I was a team member of an athletic club. Nowadays I do fitness and like to dance. It’s nice to forget about the troubles in world for a while and just enjoy the workout.

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  • I am a series – junky :D Me and my mum usually watch them together and just let say …the nights are sometimes a little bit short.

  • Food is life for sure 😊 I really love to eat but fruits are my fav snacks during the day. Can’t stop eating them. I try to eat healthy but sometimes my brain just leads me to the sweets cabinet as well :D Hello white crispy chocolate.. too bad but also too delicious.

  • I am a cat lover 😊 Here are my two babies.


  • and last but not least: I am at the moment in South Korea. Why? Because I will do my semester abroad in lovely Sejong – South Korea. 😊 I think I will explain this and how I like South Korea so far in another article.
    Thanks a lot for reading and

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--> Don’t miss my Instagram Account !
Link: https: https://www.instagram.com/lilchen_1/

Xoxo Lara ... don't take life to serious:


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